Bang!!!! Just shot it down again. I am at an advantage as I work in Newport so can keep a close eye on any usurpers trying to raise flags. Dilli and I have a gentleman's agreement.
So let me get this right. This site is jointly owned by one fan from Cardiff (BFB) and one fan from Swansea (Dilli) ? You're both bloody barking
Bang, got him again. While Dilli is clearly resting having put so much effort into his matchday thread for Sunday I continue my guarding brief to repel interlopers such as the above squatter and the crazy Frenchman with a funny plaster on his nose who keeps muttering "I will kill you Clouseau". You should both regard this as a formal eviction notice and legal proceedings will be commenced against you should you return to this site without the permission of the legal owners,, i.e. me and Dilli!!!!
Dills in gaol, and BFB hasn't been here for months. Think I'll put the kettle on.............................
I've acquired planning permission for a thousand acre solar energy farm on this site. Now gerroffmylaaaaand.
Now now Glam, form an ordely queue. Me and Dilli (wherever he may be) were first despite PGF's desperate claims. PGF can take it if we forfeit our rights leaving you with filthy fourths Glam.
As someone who once fell over drunk in the centre circle at Somerton Park, I would like to be considered for any non executive opportunities in this venture. The following statement is in support of my application: As someone who can be relied upon to be unreliable ( ooh! I do love a paradox), I believe I have the peronal qualities to fit in with the ethos of this board. I thrive on mediocrity and always work hard to achieve it - when I can be bothered. My experience in misunderstanding and mismanagment, will, I'm sure, be of benefit to someone - somewhere.
Clingo you can be mayor of this site. A nice title but absolutely no powers whatsoever and we can roll you out whenever we need someone to look official - ish. I would ask Dilli to confirm but as no one knows where he is, I will take full responsibility. Having watched, no suffered, at the great stadium of Somerton for many years, please tell the circumstances of your magnificent falling over. The fact you were drunk is not enough. Was there a game in progress? Did anyone notice?
Dill's on a beer tasting journey around the world but he says this place is still jointly owned by him and BFB and not to listen to anything PGF says
Sorry, but this site has been legally acquired and has been incorporated into the Lordship of Morriston and The Lower Swansea Valley. As Lord of the Manor I claim my rights over any virgins in the Newport County area