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Hi Gasheads

Discussion in 'Bristol Rovers' started by WWOCB, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. WWOCB

    WWOCB Active Member

    May 3, 2011
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    Charlton fan in peace...

    Was gutted when your relegation was confirmed from League One this season (despite the pretty controversial, hot-headed game played a few weeks beforehand). So just wanna say good luck for your season in League Two, hope you get back to where you belong within the first time of asking <ok>

    I read reports that Rovers were planning on moving to a new all seater stadium. What are your general thoughts on this? Personally the Memorial Stadium is actually quite possibly my favourite ground in the Football League, even as an away fan I felt a sense of 'homeliness' whilst visiting (not to mention your lot are a noisy bunch). Anyways as I said, good luck for next season <ok>
  2. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    i think our stadium is in the top 5 worst stadiums in the football league. it is a dump tbh. but i love standing at games and will miss the terracing which increases the atmosphere. i will miss the mem for many reasons but this is the right move. we have to move on. the sell of the stadium will apparently make us debt free listening to our chairmans interview.
    there is so many positives about this. just reading this tells us all what benefits will be provided by this -

    The University has agreed to lease an area of land to BRFC that will create significant benefits for students, staff and the community.
    The stadium will be owned by Rovers.
    The agreement makes UWE the first university campus with a 20,000 seat stadium in the UK putting it on a par with many International Universities.
    UWE's rugby and soccer varsity matches will be able to use the stadium and there will be the opportunity for students to assist professional coaches.
    The stadium and its high quality recreational and non-recreational facilities will also be available for the students and local community to use on non match days, and the University believe it will help greatly enhance the current 'student experience' as well as creating an extra income for the club.
    It will also allow Rovers to continue and develop the vital work the club does in the community from both our education centre and the Football in the Community departments.
    As well as use of the bars, fitness facilities and the local shop, students will also be offered a range of casual employment opportunities on match days, as well as the chance to buy discounted match tickets.
    Students will be offered the chance to take up casual employment vacancies for match days, as well as part-time jobs in catering and for bar staff.
    Internships will be offered annually for students into the operation of the Club.
    In addition access will be provided to the Media Suite for student courses. Those on relevant degrees will be able to monitor the construction of the stadium as a project as part of their studies and work with the club on marketing, promotion, event management.
    The development would bring much needed employment opportunities to our region as the Stadium is constructed as well as ongoing employment as the Stadium operates.
    Stadium wil have 2 local train stations. Also will be next to the motorway. And along many bus routes as well.

    so there are so many positives for the university, students and us as a club.

    so simple decision to make really <ok>
  3. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sounds good.

    But there is no way on earth Sainsburys are gonna be allowed to build on the Mem. (as we all know!)
  4. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    serious question, why do you think that?

    the horfield rose who been campaigning against rovers redevelopement plan, are in favour of sainsburys. i cant see that much opposition. rovers been talking to the council about this for 2 years and are on board. so as long as sainsbury are still interested and horfield rose stay happy with wanting a supermarket than rovers then no problem :)

    just dont try to burn down the uwe stadium <grr>

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  5. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Serious answer.

    Good luck with your stadium. (I'm not as small minded as you have been!!) but We both know that there will be various groups who will strongly oppose any sort of supermarket being built there, it's just the way it is. Tesco on golden hill is what, a mile away. Planning at Ashton was turned down for Tesco due to the close proximity of a Sainsburys.

    And as that stadium has been used for recreation and sport for at least 20 years you might find yourself with a village green application going in. (hmmm thinking cogs grinding)

    Someone will find a covenant on the ground or something.

    OOOhh the irony, please please !!!!!!

    I just dont think this will be as easy as you are thinking it will.
  6. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It was stated on local radio this morning that there are 13 supermarkets with-in 1.5 miles of the minimal..
  7. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Then there is absolutely no need for another supermarket!
  8. Mendeleev

    Mendeleev Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Wizered what constitutes a supermarket in the local radios eyes?? Google supermarkets near Ashton Gate and Supermarkets near The Memorial Stadium..............Pretty much on a par I would say, let me know your views??
  9. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think somebody should point out what it's like to be swamped with too many supermarkets,filling station,so much traffic,noise pollution,large delivery lorries,litter and all things associated with business being conducted 7 days a week and a minimum 12 hours a day.

    Far worse than a rugby ground.

    Better form an action group and start a petition.

    What should the group be called I wonder...?
  10. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Mendeleev, just like to point out,Sainsburys Ashton Gate is replacing the Sainsburys 500 yards away up Winterstoke Rd which is being closed down,so therefore there is no increase in the number of supermarkets in the area,your proposal will just increase the number in the local area to 14...

  11. Mendeleev

    Mendeleev Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Would suggest a similar outcome here Wizered with the Sainsbury's on Gloucester Road likely to close. Who know's though it's early days.....by the way did you do the count??

    I hear what you say reference the annoyance of a supermarket but hey that's for the council and residents to decide upon what would they rather have. A stadium of increased size on their doorstep with inadequate parking and the annoyance that comes with Rugby and Football matches for a majority of their weekends through the year and for the benefit of the fans only (The Horfield ROSE campaign suggests they don't) or a Supermarket with adequate parking and offering a service to the residents as a whole? Who know's which way they will go and again it's early days.

    Strange Wizered I almost whiff some sour grapes from south of the river (surely not). I personally hope the council meeting rules in your favour next week ( I guess you know about it but then again you spend so long on this forum you may not have much time to devote to your own team). I understand they are minded to grant only partial village green status giving you the green light to build.

    By the way as I have posted elsewhere I am a pesimist and have seen many false dawns when it comes to Rovers and stadium plans. So I'm not holding my breath and will continue to enjoy the unique atmosphere that is created by being able to still stand on a terrace in rather drab ground but a ground I love and is the home to the team I love and the fans I love.
  12. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    "Strange Wizered I almost whiff some sour grapes from south of the river"

    That is the most ironic statement I have ever seen written on any forum in the world ever.

    We weren't getting a whiff we were getting a full blown stench.

    Remember boys you lot were starting up pro village green petitions and complaining about your taxes.

    What goes around is about to come around --- big time!
  13. Mendeleev

    Mendeleev Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Ironic? I don't think that's the word you're looking for but I'll take the accolade as that's some feat. WOW
    blow me away........I've even made it my signature <ok>

    Tell you what else none of it's my taxes as I hide over here in deepest darkest wiltshire :bandit:
  14. Mendeleev

    Mendeleev Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    One other thing Banksy Do you seriously think a few paltry Rovers fans (or City fans come to that) have the power to influence the council over whether a ground is built or not?
  15. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I know what word I was looking for thanks.

    If you're right you will have nothing to worry about then will you!

    (you don't seem to understand irony, probably better at ironing I suspect)
  16. Mendeleev

    Mendeleev Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Banksy I took the liberty of looking up irony in the dictionary concerned that my schooling had let me down. This is what I found........

    As I quite literally meant I could smell sour grapes I don't believe I was being ironic in my statement and you may not quite grasp the meaning of irony?

    Now if you called it a 'hypo-critical' statement?

    You may have been closer to the mark as some of my gashead chums have appeared a little over zealous in their anti stadium campaign.

    However as I have only previously supported your stadium bid again you would have been wrong to use it with reference to my statement.

    By the way I can iron a mean crease in my both my shirts and trousers and do quite enjoy the relaxation that comes with a little recreational ironing.


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