A sad loss. Taken from mbl.is One of the most famous woman in the history of running, Grete Waitz of Norway, died this morning after several years of struggle with cancer, 57 years old. Waitz was one of the best European woman runners in the lst decades of the twentieth century. Initially she concentrated on the middle distance running and broke the records in 1500, 3,000 m and mile run. Waitz gained the world record in the 3,000 m race on two occasions in mid-seventies. Waitz later turned herself in to götuhlaupum shift. She became world champion in the marathon at the world championship in Finland in 1983 and won silver in the same event at the Los Angeles Olympic Games in the following year. She won New York Marathon nine times between 1978 to 1988. Also, she won the London marathon twice. No one has won more New York marathons than Waitz. She had to stop competiing in the marathon at the Olympic Games in Seoul 1988 due to injury. She ran her last marathon four years later in New York. Waitz supported her friend Fred Lebow founder of the New York marathon, when he had been diagnosed with cancer two years earlier. Last year, Waitz was honored by the International ÃâlympÃÂunefndinni for her achievements and contributions to women's sports. The original text is this. Ein þekktasta hlaupakona sögunnar, Grete Waitz frá Noregi, lést àmorgun eftir nokkurra ára baráttu við krabbamein, 57 ára gömul. Waitz var einn allra fremsta hlaupakona Evrópu á áttunda og fram eftir nÃÂunda áratug sÃÂðustu aldar. àupphafi einbeitti hún að brautahlaupum og standa met hennar à1.500, 3.000 m og mÃÂluhlaupi ennþá. Waitz bætti heimsmetið à3.000 m hlaupi àtvÃÂgang um miðjan áttunda áratuginn. SÃÂðar sneri Waitz sér àrÃÂkara mæli að götuhlaupum. Hún varð heimsmeistari àmaraþonhlaupi á heimsmeistaramótinu àFinnlandi 1983 og hlaut silfurverðlaun àsömu grein á ÃâlympÃÂuleikunum àLos Angeles árið eftir. Hún vann New York maraþonið nÃÂu sinnum á árunum 1978 - 1988. Einnig vann hún tvisvar Londonmaraþonið. Enginn hefur oftar unnið New York maraþonið en Waitz. Waitz varð að hætta keppni àmaraþonhlaupi á ÃâlympÃÂuleikunum àSeúl 1988 vegna meiðsla. Hún hljóp sitt sÃÂðasta maraþonhlaup fjórum árum sÃÂðar àNew York. Það gerði Waitz til stuðnings vini sÃÂnum, Fischel Lebowitz stofnanda New York maraþonsins, en hann hafði greinst með krabbamein tveimur árum áður. àsÃÂðasta ári var Waitz heiðruð af Alþjóða ÃâlympÃÂunefndinni fyrir afrek sÃÂn og framlag til ÃÂþrótta kvenna.