Ariza and Pacquiao talk about Mayweather's performance. Pacquiao finds Floyds antics amusing, asks how long since it was that Mayweather was p4p no.1 and talk about when Castillo got robbed against Mayweather.
Are you implying that Pacquiao has got there by a dishonest way? Some people are being sued for making such accusations.
I agree with mayweathers assumptions that he used or still does PED's , look at his old fights when he was fighting at 115 pounds, that's the sort of weight category his body was suited for then boom he manages to go all the way up to 147? Also his excuse for not wanting to take the drug test was because his scared of needles? Did he just magically paint his tatoos on then lol. Now the main factor is most people that move up in weight tend to grow into it gradually not look ripped straight away and the thing i don't get is how did he look ripped and immaculate moving up to 4 different weight classes all within less than 2 years? Also the way he went up a weight class again to welterweight and thought cotto and managed to take one of the biggest punchers in boxings punches without even being hurt. Theres also loads more reasons but it's late and i'll go into them a different day, but just watch his fights, look at how he stepped up and tell me you can honestly say 100% you 100% believe he hasn't taken something, and before you say " his tested clean after every fight " there are PED's drugs that can go undetected and untraceable.
You are talking utter ****. Floyd Mayweather does not run boxing. Floyd Mayweather does not dictate how testing is carried out. Floyd Mayweather CAN be fully supportive of Olympic style drugs testing but he cannot dictate to the entire sport of boxing should behave. Floyd takes plenty shortcuts. he gets into the ring with the odds firmly stacked in his favour every single time.
When Pacquiao was 115lbs he was 17-18. Have a guess what Mayweather weighed when he was 16-17? 112lbs. So that argument is null and void. When he was fighting Morales and Marquez at 130lbs, his ring weight was 144lbs, his ring weight now is around 148lbs, as you can see not a huge rise. Pacquiao has never said he was scared of needles. Pacquiao's chin has always been solid, most fighters improve their chin when going up in weight as well especially if they were cutting a lot to make weight as Pacquiao was. I seen his fights and I noticed the technical abilities than he has improved. The facts are Floyd brought up the blood testing stuff, at the end of the first negotiation when all he had to do was to sign the contract for the fight. Pacquiao agreed to testing, but Floyd wanted more, it broke down because Floyd said 14 days cut off, and Pacquiao said 21 days. Fast forward to June, 2nd round of negotiations, Pacquiao agreed to Floyd 14 day cut off and more down to 7 days. What does Floyd say. I'm not interested in boxing any more I'm going to take a year to two years out to spend time with my family. Now we have Pacquiao publicly stating that he has agreed to all of Floyd's demands, and Floyd has said that testing is no longer an issue as well. But what do we hear from Floyd I don't need Pacquiao.
Floyd takes plenty of shortcuts? He fights a undefeated Hatton, floyd beats him then Manny fights him, He fights a undefeated Moseley, floyd beats him then Manny decides to fight him, Floyd beats a undefeated De La Hoya, then manny decides to fight him, Mannys fighting the same fighter his beaten twice again in november, what is the point it's a guaranteed win, You can honestly say hand on your heart you thought floyd was 10000% going to beat Hatton or De La Hoya? Every time floyd beat one of them there was a excuse and every time pacquiao beat one of them his hailed as the god even though his beaten them after, it's ****ing stupid, all his ever done is kick ass yet people still doubt him, i'm sure there be a excuse when he finally kicks pacquiaos ass as well
How comes his normally always smaller than his opponents and giving weight away yet his still always more powerful and gets stronger as his fights go on then? And bullshit, Mannys always been complaining about the blood tests as it will make him weaker
Tyson was smaller than alot of the bigger heavyweight he fought, but he still knocked seven bells out of them. There are no issues with drug testing, Pacquiao has agreed to all of Mayweather demands but Mayweather is still making excuses. Team Mayweather have said that Pacquiao can't train in the Philippines, Floyd doesn't need Pacquiao, The fight will happen in 2013 and the best one of the lot, Pacquiao has to get his finances in order. How many laughable excuses do they have to make.
I was just about to post the same thing. And the things you have highlighted are just the start of it. For starters, fighting Hatton at a weight he had fought at only once before (and then dropped back again) and looked decidedly average at, dictating the gloves, even handily having a referee who allowed literally none of what could have given Hatton a chance. The likelihood is that Hatton still would have lost but don't try and say the odds were not already stacked. Or how about the guy Pacman beat 2 times (sic). He fights the majority of his career at feather and lightweight, but doesn't that look great on Floyd's record? something like welterweight. Repeat this story over and over again and you build up a different picture of an admittedly great boxer, but don't try and pretend that this is an even playing field.
Neither must you because floyd did fight a undefeated moseley, a undefeated de la hoya and manny is fighting marquez who his beaten two times already lol you donut
You must be on a wind up, surely. Mosley - 5 defeats before Mayweather, 7 defeats now. De La Hoya - 4 defeats before Mayweather, 6 now. Pac vs Marq 1 = Draw Pac vs Marq 2 = Pac win SD