As Sweden has decided to give other teams a chance this year, I might as well get a backup team to cheer for (please not Denmark again, please not Denmark ). Pick a number between 1-24 (maximum 2 users per number) and I'll randomize it when we get either 48 participants or on the 13th of June at the latest. I'll update the list below and make it clear when a number is filled. ALL SPOTS ARE TAKEN 1: Asterix & Walter Sobchak (LOCKED IN) 2: Drew & Stockholm Tiger (LOCKED IN) 3: amberman8 & Red Top Reader (LOCKED IN) 4: Plum & Geo10 (LOCKED IN) 5: Blaknamberblood & AlaHullPPG (LOCKED IN) 6: highpeaktiger & Cityzen (LOCKED IN) 7: Fer Ark & Gone for a walk (LOCKED IN) 8: tigerscanada & Brucebones (LOCKED IN) 9: Febbos & Mrs. BLUE_MOUNTAINS_BEAR (LOCKED IN) 10: Edelman & bunkers (LOCKED IN) 11:Cambstiger & Newland Tiger (LOCKED IN) 12: Askewshair & Sir Cheshire Ben (LOCKED IN) 13: Hebridestiger & ticktontiger (LOCKED IN) 14: OLM & Quill (LOCKED IN) 15: Phinius T Bookbinder & Tontotwo (LOCKED IN) 16: tiptoe through the kempton & tigers1970 (LOCKED IN) 17: Bradymk2 & rovertiger (LOCKED IN) 18: philhul & Kid Keo (LOCKED IN) 19: Ernie Shackleton & Carmine Galante (LOCKED IN) 20: FLG & GlassHalfHull (LOCKED IN) 21: augustatiger & Sledmere Fusilier (LOCKED IN) 22: HFFP & balkan tiger (LOCKED IN) 23: Idi Amin & Steven Toast (LOCKED IN) 24:tigerrev & Howden Tigress (LOCKED IN) Updated with draw please log in to view this image Best of luck!