Elon Musk said so...afterall he was the one behind the credit of creating Grok...so in your world it must be true, because you love Musk....and I agree, it is very clearly a racist / xenophobic account.
Again I put to you. It matters not where the info comes from if the info is true. And yeh I don't look into what a certain accounts history is or its agenda. That to me is a waste of time and energy What I post is there to see. It's not false cos it's its fukin 3d mate What's important here.? The accusation that this account has racist undertones (allegedly) Or A jihadi teaching Muslims to go against UK laws and culture And a Pakistani child raper. ?
I didn't listen to it, I don't listen to any of your ****, because it's always negative, often untrue, and often racist twitter accounts. If the content in it is illegal or factual it's for the cops to deal with, not me. You've done no research on the claims, you just posted it up, because it's what you do, because it ticks certain boxes for you. Like one of the accounts you posted, wrongly named the Southport attacker, again you don't care what the account history is as long as it's saying the right things for you....you'll simply believe whatever they tell you because it;s how you roll.
We'll the Pakistani child molester i posted has a thick Pakistani accent, which tells me he wasnt born here. And the jihadi guy telling Muslims to hate our culture and ignore our laws is definitely born here. Which is a bigger problem imo A problem people like yourself choose to ignore over some faux rage that the account both came from has wacisty vibes. So what the facts are the facts We have Pakistani men coming here to rape our kids and born and bred brittish Muslims being taught to hate us and our laws. But the problem to you really is hurty accouts on the internet. OK den
Just going back to this southport killer thing, I can't remember exactly what was false that I posted could you remind me? If it was that he was a Muslim then that turned out to be true.
Ffs, what don't you understand, I don't ****ing care. You have no idea of the facts because you are a lazy **** that don't research anything, how do I know that because you often tell us you know nowt about what you have posted up, when I go and fact check. I'm sick of seeing this stuff about kids, it's awful and you keep bringing it to this forum, we can't deal with the worlds or even the UK's problems on here, if you really want to help kids, get of your lazy arse and do that then, rather than posting the same material on here day after day. I don't want to go down your rabbit hole, I don't want your constant negativity, I come here either for some light discussion or a laugh, you are nether, you are just infesting the place with the maggots from your brain, now do me a favour, **** off.
You notice how he went straight for the you're crazy right wing **** the second I reminded him he lives far from fuking reality, especially when it comes to London.
Mate if this convo is too much for you how about you **** off and come back later when you've calmed down. Nothing I've said or posted is out of order so I won't be shut up by you or anyone else. Cheers
You don't even care about the kids, you are not interested in the crime at all, you are only interested in proving your point that's it's the brown people...or the religious people...never whitey oh no, fooking idiot. I do care about any awful crime like that, which is why I don't want it on here. If you want to have a discussion have one, without the twitter crap dickhead.
I live in London you gormless berk. I work in Finsbury Park, and I’m not ****ing blind. But my reality is not your reality because a) I don’t dwell on all the negative ****, and b) unlike you, I’ve been around long enough to know that crime and squalor always get worse under Tory governments. If all you see in London is gang fights and criminal ****, maybe that’s because you are a bit of a criminal yourself. In which case you’re the ****ing problem, sunshine. Just a thought, eh.
You have admitted you don’t pay tax init fam I do pay mine btw but I regress anyway You see where peeps might be forgiven for thinking you are not being honest about your true agenda? or isn’t it law to pay your taxes?
Maybe be could set up a trade system where if you're a good person but there's bombs n **** and you need to get out the country we let them in and then send some horrible ****er from a HMP off to that country. The boats get used for the return journey which will cut costs in the long run for everyone involved.
I get the feeling you think I'm against Labour or something, I couldn't give a **** who's in charge. London is rife with crime, Khans had more than enough time to sort or at least try to sort that particular problem out and he's done absolutely fuk all good about it. while he drives around in a bullet proof land rover supplied by the Met that of course is ulez exempt.And I see all of this crime **** because it's happening every day everywhere. You choosing to ignore it or play it down is all very nice and that but the reality is crime is at all time high, we're flooded with people who come only for the freebies they'll get, everything is expensive and all of our public services are fuked. And if you speak out about any of that you're either racist or a gormless berk, or a tommy Robinson fanboy. This country is fuked and they'll be nothing left if it carries on this way. And yeh I probably have seen more criminality than you have over my lifetime, so maybe you should take my word for it rather than dismiss it with any of the above slurs I noted