The card game predicted chaos at the Olympics and terror ,Big Ben was a target or is the clock in Tokyo? please log in to view this image
[video=youtube;FgY7eaYrc7A][/video] On the outside looking in, i infiltrated Mossad when managing a Casino in Jericho....
The threat is from China now & i am jumping ship, The Russians are good with money, and credit is seen as a weakness and it is.. By ignoring the European human rights agreement and buying all the US pretend $ Debts, they <CHINA>can twist O`BAMA`S YALE educated, Skull n Cross bone affiliated, borrowing from my people , Token spade ass & controlled puppet of the UNITED NATIONS.... There are way too many people on this planet so they will look to reduce the numbers. Wallmart <ASDA>will offer a Flu jab this will cost you about £15 ,ask today a non trained Dr can administer this. The secret my friends is carrying on your genes, if you want a red frazzled child **** a blonde or ginger, , Filipinos have Spanish Indonesian & Jap in them so they can handle the sun cook good food and are naturally gifted at marshall arts. My daughter is also faster than all other pupils her age in N London<mainly black>. Fantastic at maths all 3 plus me. We all use Mandarin in the house to practice. The tide has turned & in my lifetime the Yanks & us will not be on top of the globe in the next 5 years. U.A.E. CHINA...RUSSIA. Stratford is the blueprint for the European Super State... Worst crime rate in the UK and most multi cultural city in Europe. If we <us & America>start a War with Iran then i would rather be on China/Russia`s side next time & my next generation will be. please log in to view this image
Not so my friend:
There is a concentration camp under the Denver International Airport. It has an 8 level underground military base, a gas chamber... and it's rumored that there is genetic experiments taking place. The base at Deluce, New Mexico, meanwhile, houses alien spacecraft and aliens who are conducting genetic expirements on humans and animals. There is a ton of info ! if you look at D.U.M.B.S. on the internet."
Obama was groomed to be the first Muslim President by Gaddafi. “[Obama] will do things for the Muslim Brotherhood and since they do not like Israel (Jews) Obama wants to make sure this country falls. This will help Libya.” Dentists are putting small microwave-type things in your teeth. “Dentist are putting small mircowave type things in your teeth! This help's to give you Heart Burn which in turn puts Doctor's in business and Drug companies selling Heart Burn med's. NEVER HAVE YOU SEEN THIS ONE COMING.” U.S. government workers are actually shapeshifters. “are their really US officials who are aliens dressed as humans. i mean i have eyewitnessed a news castor blinking very fast then his eyes went completely black then back to normal. so are aliens really walking amongst us now to monitor us”