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Durham CB40 win vs Hampshire

Discussion in 'County Cricket' started by marcusblackcat, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I just read on BBC that duckworth Lewis said we (Durham) won by 81 runs. We scored 210 from 34 overs and Hampshire scored 134 from 32.1

    My maths us normally pretty good and, as far as I can see, we scored 76 runs more than Hampshire.. So how can d/l say we won by 81 runs?

    Or is it a mis-print by the BBC?
  2. RedandWhiteTractor

    RedandWhiteTractor Active Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    The reason behind this is that Duckworth Lewis adjusts the scored when weather affects the game once it has started.

    In this instance Durham started their innings expecting to receive 40 overs so set their stall out accordingly. At 2 points in the innings it rained thus reducing the time left in the game, meaning the overs had to be reduced. Durham then only got 30 odd overs if I remember correctly.

    Even though the other team only get the same amount of overs to chase the score, Duckworth Lewis (dont ask me to explain the calculation) compensates Durham with extra runs, as in theory they would have got aggressive a lot earlier had they been aware they would receive less overs.

    As a result the target was increased, meaning Hampshire had to make slightly more than Durham to win the game!

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