There ye go @magpie290761 the Tories have/had policies. I didn't vote Labour lol but I think @Darren Peacock’s Ponytail did, so you wanna reply to @G4rdToonArmy and his mumblings?
And I thought the policies were to hand big contracts to your mates in return for hidden backhanders and future lucrative jobs when they leave parliament regardless of whether or not they have any expertise in the field you’re giving the contract in.
What accusations? They are straight up facts! It'd be like trying to argue back that Labour employ racist/anti semetic, street fighting, aunty dictator linked MP's etc. It's like people think I like the Tories? Lesser of two evils? Possibly.. Piss on them to put them out? Not a chance.
G4rd is one of them Tories that laughs along with your jokes at the pub and silently crosses their name on the ballot.
Nothing hidden mate - voted them in the last few elections, didn't previously before Corbyn was in charge but just not sold on Labour currently and the few months since they've been elected haven't changed my thinking yet, although they are far more central leaning under Kier than they were under Corbyn so it was a tougher call this time around. Difference between me and you is I don't cry and try and belittle people when they don't think the same as me and I'm not tied to one or the other - I'll vote with what I think is the right call at the right time instead of virtue signaling with my vote.
You're so heated lol Me and you don't like nor respect one another, why would even respond to my obvious bits of bait. I know exactly what to say to get you going Dope
I completely respect you and your opinions - just not the way you voice them - you just come across as a bit of a ****. You couldn't get "me going" if you life depended on it mate, banter you think you could though.
I think my single line and you responding with break down of your voting history over the past couple years followed by "crying and belittling" and then something about virtue signaling tells a slightly different narrative than you are pushing like Elon Musk over here. You made me read it now ffs.