I believe so. Also, any orgasm would surely go up through the nerves of both spines into both brains (I can only surmise). Meaning 1 orgasm = two birds feel it
First time I saw it was at the grovsner late nights where I was locked into a long acid trip... it took all my willpower to be able to leave the safety of the cinema and make the mad paranoid dash home
I can imagine. Me an acid never got along. First time I had a really bad trip. Second time I had a really bad trip. Third time I had a really bad trip. Never took it again.
I can imagine. Me an acid never got along. First time I had a really bad trip. Second time I had a really bad trip. Third time I had a really bad trip. Never took it again.
Interesting fact #2. The film Rio Bravo was the inpsiration behind both Assault on Precinct 13 and The Thing.
As soon as i saw them i thought blow job,the ugliest one can suck my balls as the other one sucks on me shaft.I wouldnt go bragging about it afterwards though. I can just imagine the ugliest one moaning....why do i always get stuck with the ballbag
Interesting Fact The Thing From Another World ( 1951 ) was an inspiration for John Carpenters The Thing which was an inspiration for the remake version of The Thing ( 2011 ). Don't say I`m not good to you.