town need to put on a class act on saturday at bradford, they must return with all 3 points if they have any serious aspirations of auto promo this season. imo. chesterfield are probably beyond overhaul but wobblers and bury are not beyond recall. it is to be hoped gt can inspire the squad as any more mess ups by town will only add to that historical saying " shrews will never win anything with that ruddy badge". so come on roland wycherley and your board- let us have our old badge back- 3 loggerheads and a floreat salopia. i bid every one a floreat salopia and a happy loggerheads day, or a celebration of another away win for shrews. come on you shrews!!
here is my message for the wobblers. jelly on the plate, jelly on the plate. wibble wobble wibble wooble, jelly on the plate. rocky blue army, aj is back, definitely back. ooh dear another wobble this weekend. are the wobblers capable of beating great missenden, or any other missenden. floreat salopia, shropshire for ever
Ah, Greater Missenden, Roald Dahl country! I'm sure AJ will help improve the banter on our boards. AJ - Look at the 'notifications' at the top right of this website.
What's all this about Great Missenden on the Shrewsbury forum? Is this the GM in Bucks? I lived at Bellingdon for 20 years and Hazlemere for 10 years. GM is between the 2, less than 10 miles from each. My son even went to school for a while at GM. Is this a small world or is this a different GM?
We played well at times today, and if we hadn't won it would have been a travesty as we were so much better on the ball for most of the game. Still worried about how long it's taking GT to get our game changers on though - without Tom Bradshaw coming on we may well have come away with nothing. He injects some pace and urgency in the frontline that is lacking in the collins / Harrold combo - he should have been on for the whole second half imo. Great finish by Bradders for our first as well. Overwhelming 'we're not worthies' to Jon Taylor too, outstanding work rate for 90 minutes, creating chances from nothing. We're still there or there abouts boys... a few sweaty saturdays to come for all of us I think though, don't think anyone bar Chesterfield are odds on certainties for promotion yet, but don't rule us out yet!! COYB
Apsolutly amazing, Barnet 2-2 Chesterfield Deering 94 Minutes Brilliant I was just about to say time is running out to Barnet, What a point that will be if they hold on as it is not over yet
Ended now 2-2 Brilliant for Barnet, Deering come on at Half time as a sub and scored both, he must be good, good day for him and the club.