You horrible lot while I am away ..... Unless someone wants to be the moderator I will keep my eye on the board in case our resident stalker reappears, but if anyone wants to do it just let me know. I'm sure Joe will do an excellent job with the prediction league next season so good luck to you all with that. I shall miss you all, I think you are all lovely ...... All that remains to be said is ..... We'll meet again, don't know where don't know when ......
Look GAT......your going to be miserable without the old duffer sensible to keep into line.....August is along way off....hopefully you might feel a bit better by then......avoiding Argyle is one thing , but not being involved with 606 is different surely.....this is real life......PAFC isn't.
(Plym shows his age there by thinking a website is "real life".......he'll be saying the easter bunny exists next) Gat, now listen to me for a minute. You will be sorely missed on here if you decide to stay away. After all you are the only one with any sense and an iron. I have a feeling you will be back along with Mrs lalala. Joe can only count to 22 and that's only if he has his socks off.
He has feet like pasties so he might be. The Cornish have been minority people for years. A minority of them can afford to stay there. A minority own a house there.
Always makes me laugh Sensible when they say keep Cornwall for the Cornish, nearly all of their shops etc are owned by up country folk ..... If they kept Cornwall for the Cornish they would be bankrupt and starving
If you ever asked a Cornish person if you could borrow a pound then you would find out they are all starving and of them taught Gordon Brown to be prudent.
Gat, i am afraid i am not Cornish!! But i have webbed feet? Sensible there will be no need to count past 22 next season as not many score that many, i can usually count my points on one hand.. Don't worry i can add up.. need to being a plumber! to count the money up!! Hope we can get a few more on the prediction league, i will put it out to other clubs to join in...But Gat will take part i am sure.. she could help me ....or Mrs Lala..
Got a point there Joe. I've never gotten anywhere near 22 even in a quadrupal round. I was forgetting the plumber bit but then again you lot can only do it in hundreds.
Gat, your welcome to join in even if you want to see me struggle with this!! we will miss your abuse!! Sensible, what do you mean Hundreds!! why have we all got a bad name.. we are the top trade!!
It stems from this plumber bloke who was in my house once and charged me £40 for less than 5 minutes and even borrowed a spanner off me to actually do the job. (true story) It's a bit like painting my own house and having the decorator down the road drop in after a week with the bill. I've always thought all plumbers were born in Cornwall.
Well i have my own tools when i use them.... He must have given you a discount at that rate Sensible!! A call out is more than that!! This one wasn't born in Cornwall i am afraid... Have they got water and Gas yet in Cornwall?
They must have water to make the pastry for the pasties Joe. Not sure about gas or lecky yet though. Know what, I hate this time of year. Not warm enough to doze off in my deckchair just yet and no football left worth worrying about. What am I going to do on a Saturday now? I might have to paint something or go shopping. Worse still do some ironing. Already been banished to the garden to pull up bleddy weeds and stuff. I've got months of this until the season starts again. She may have worked me to death before then.
Now stop it Plym I have no intention of re-registering there. I do read it but think it's actually dying on it's feet. All that self congratulations about membership and when you boil it down only around 20 posters who keep it breathing. They still don't get the obsession bit and how boring that is. Pasoti mk2 with a different name these days.