I have a feeling the lad should have been hauled off when he went down the first time. Obviously he was keen to play on and did seem to be moving reasonably well after the Magic Sponge - but knee injuries aren't to be messed with.
I saw this and winced when I read it. How unlucky can you get. One touch of the ball pretty much as a debute and now probaly 6 months off. The thing is nothing was obvious when he went down. He just more or less collapsed. The physio should have taken him off and kept him off although I suspect the outcome would have been exactly the same. He could have ruined his entire career in those extra few minutes on the pitch. The physio signalled for a substitution then seemed to change his mind. Did the kid talk him out of it and claim to be ok? Not good enough either way in my book and it definately should not be left to a 19 year old to make those sort of calls. If I were Swansea I would not be happy with Plymouth at all. Just hope he ends up recovered and soon.
What bad luck for both player and Argyle......clubs might be unwilling to loan us players in the future.....did he warm up properly.....should Argyle have been more aware of the situation......didn't realize that he had gone back and already had an op....until I got home last night from hols in sunny Bournemouth.
Being away from home and my laptop...Argyle info is none existent.....and could well of been 10 million miles away.....in fact Alex Bray could have had a heart transplant....plus a hip replacement and I would of been none the wiser.
I think several of our players might have had one or both of those previouly plym. I know what you mean with the laptop though. If I tried to take mine with me I might end up needing an op myself.