let us start at the bottom, with lincoln coming from nowhere to oblivion. they have a gd of -33 and are at home to shots. barnet -20 are at home to vale and imps are 2 points above barnet playoffs. brewers v ackers, spires v gills, millers v gulls, steve v bury, shrews v oxon, wobblers v southend. so pick 4 in the play offs and pick 3rd promo place well done wobblers but only one point ahead, i suggest you stay off sea food before next weeks match town play a resurgent oxon, whose results are w h imps 2-1, d a barnet 2-2, d h spires 0-0, d a ackers 0-0, d h wobbs 2-2 0xo p45 w 17 d 12 L16 f58 a57 gd 1 p63 pos 11
this not 606 site is absolutely useless. i have attempted to reply to whatshrews unhelpful comment but it appears if you write more than 2 lines it is unacceptable. in short what shrew no and please read it again when you may learn what may or may not happen next saturday. one more rejection from this site and i am off
AJ i really don't know what you're doing wrong at your end, as I rarely have problems on here. There were some denial of service issues in early Feb. Keep trying.
ok whatshrew, trouble with this site is you have to fit a lot in a short space, and it can appear disjointed. at least it is better than nothing. in short we have it all to do next saturday and hope the wobblers fail to win.
Click on the Go Advanced AJ where you have more space and can preview before posting, as well as adding smileys, if you want.
I was about to say that too! Although managed to type quite a bit into the 'post quick reply' bit before.
aj you have gave me and many other wycombe fans stick this season ,but its all been good light hearted banter ,dont give up on this site mate its been quality,i am even getting used to jenny now as well .......
many thanks all for your helpful suggestions. i know it is me ,not the system. i am the original character in private eye mag "pissed old fart baffled by new technoloogy!!