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Off Topic your x marked the start ..now . beyond 100days what for the next 100 ... 7th July

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by johngalleyfan2, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    with dissent from a very small minority of the "losers, marching in the rain to say BORIS OUT …..HO HO HO …." today all the newbie MP's enter Westminster. I hope Boris doesn't just concentrate on the withdrawal agreement but gives space for 2 or 3 of the important bills that were "put on hold" due to Labour forcing an election [ reasonable turn out nationally by the way over 2 in 3 voted ].
    One of importance will hopefully stop murderers being released without telling where they dumped the body, and the parole system overhauled to stop the upsurge of reoffenders due to not having learned the error of their ways.
    With a majority of 80 he also must not become complacent, he can pretty much rule the roost over time and placement.

    INTERFERENCE FROM THE LAW COURTS MUST ALSO BE ADDRESSED ...in our society of democracy we lay our faith in all those being elected to follow the will of the people be they on winning vote or losing vote, to dredge up ancient loopholes in efforts to defy democracy has to be stopped.

    JC instantly got a smack in the face with the result, and the people saw through his dark past and inability to lead, saw through his pathetic gestures of giving money to a dozen different groups [ rail tickets etc ]and promises that would have once again bankrupted this country and before he actually conceded he had lost, he stated he would not lead another another GE. We now have his sidekick McDonnell saving face and deflecting his past by "admitting his efforts for the defeat fell short … BUT has come to the realization his non popularity will not bode well for "leader of Labour" so stated he will not stand .. seems both just want to melt into the past.
    I lost count on how many times JC in PMQ's and other speech's ranted " BJ is a charlatan and not fit to be PM not fit to lead this country was a conman etc etc " or how many times TM and to a lesser degree BJ slapped him down with the final comments of PMQ's regarding his misinformation.

    last week on here the majority had a massive win! but also 2 unfortunate losses .. lets hope now the balance will be re addressed and we can as a football team get back to winning ways ….
    and a thought just passed my mind! … freedom of movement, is one issue that will be addressed but how will it affect footballers?
  2. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    that Turnberry woman would be fun for leader of the labour party!
    have you noticed Blackford always seems to be real close to Boris!!
    labour making statements that they will vote down Boris's Brexit deal … what they going to do? Throw a free party for the Tories in Newcastle with free transport to coincide with the vote!
    NI nurses making a show to get their devolved parliament back in full swing … without that nothing can happen … do sinn fein / nationalists now have a majority or is it power sharing still … confusing issues over there …
    New speaker seems a bit "scraggy" lost in the chair! supposed to have a sense of humour, hopefully he will have…
    interesting couple of days coming up before they break for a short ? Christmas / new year.
    had to laugh... one of the commetators said "Harriet Harman" IS THE NEW FATHER OF THE HOUSE ! having been in parliament since …………!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  3. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    jgf2 I always read and enjoy your comments on our political masters but I for one don't think Sir Lindsay Hoyle looked small or lost in his chair, I know he is a Labour man but after the last idiotic super fool we had as speaker, to me this man comes across as a fair, sensible, experienced and just man, in fact I welcome him, he is a breath of fresh air and I believe his sense of judgement will add to the benefit of parliament and our nation.

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  4. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Let's give the guy a chance i say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2019
  5. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    don't get me wrong! Bercow seemed to "fill the chair" and only saw the one occasion of him sitting in it so far, and his posture may be less "sprawling .filling?"
    anything after Bercow, his last 2 years anyway, will be a welcome change. Bercow's style changed for the worst in the last year .. his fluidity in delivering "put them down remarks" to hecklers lost its edge, he had to "think his line", paused momentarily to get the right word often didn't find it and his delivery became less of a sting! with the humour suffering ….
  6. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    An interesting facet of labour observers and party back room peeps .. … is they are PLANNING ahead for the next GE!!!! THORNBURY is champing at the bit to take on BORIS ….
  7. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    WOW What a queens speech, has Boris taken off more than he can achieve in a year? [ usual practice for a queens speech … get it done! ] over 25 bills to get through plus a few from the last parliament.
    I think as do we all that the NHS has to be top, however it will not be as easy as plucking 30,000 nurses out of the air [ for the pedantic, 20,000 will be , hopefully retaining, stopping present from leaving for a longer stay ] it is a big ask to train and employ 6000 nurses a year! To be honest if we get 9000 in the first 2 years I would be / I would accept that, but also the figure would be enhanced by about 3000 retained as well.
    The second most important is police, MAYBE 9000 in first 2 years...
    Already there is threats from opposition to use " law courts" . This is not an easy thing to address. OPINION was deeply divided when Brexit was involved with law courts and using devolved country law to be used as loop holes, the division by learned QC's on both sides were severely against but some, more mildly, because they won for it! The danger is that because there is no "opposition vote" aspects from them could resort to "the high court" this would not be accelerated and hastily done like Brexit fiasco but in normal procedure. Result likely to hold up progress. NS has already started the ball rolling with her "independence vote"
    Why you may ask does she spend 99% of her time on about it ……… well labour made a big blackhole last time they were in. Currently the devolved "government" of Scotland for whom she is a minority leader is doing rather poorly with their finances, how better to cover it than to have a smoke screen. Neither NS or IB have much to say about anything other than "leave the UK.
    I was asked a Question... during the last parliament it was often stated that the 3 main parties "Conservatives, Labour and Lib unDemocrats" why is that so when SNP had twice as many MP'S as the L uD? My simple answer.... because the SNP only have interest in things North of the border not the UK in General!
    any other ideas on how to answer that?
  8. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    if you haven't already! go to BBC NEWS page … I get to it from football page and click on the header menu and check out the " I was a teenager code breaker at Bletchly Park" [ present HQ of my amateur radio society BTW] ……...
    Every one of us on here owe in some way a debt of gratitude that we are able to celebrate Christmas 2020 to those, like Helen Andrews, that tirelessly worked at cracking codes so the even BRAVER SOULS had a fighting chance to give us the lives we have had. When I sit down for my Christmas dinner I give a thought for those that never made the next Christmas, but enabled me to. <rose>RIP and thankyou <rose>

    Our thoughts and prayers go also to all those, and their families, that have brought us moments of happiness from whatever branch of life. . . . sports people . . . show business . . . media . . and just our friends <rose>
  9. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    still in unwinding mode from my "HOLIDAY - EXPED" watched parliament channel this afternoon[ and listened whilst doing odd jobs ] it was the withdrawal agreement discussions. Oh just how bitter are the leavers … also the Labour and SNP benchs were almost empty, no Corbynn or some of his hench people spotted even when voting and Womble only turned up for the votes and he proposed them! In the last 2 days I HAVE SEEN HIM SLAPPED DOWN very hard by Boris and the speaker, Probably JEREMY doesn't attend because he is fed up with being so badly bruised. on the final vote at 1730 the labour bench's were almost empty, half the SNP turned up and a few of the minor numbers made an appearance.
    ONE HIGHLIGHT was when the womble [Teletubby as referred to in Scotland, Blackford ] mentioned Boris winning the vote was un democratic.. the house roared …. his point of order was allowed by the speaker... she should not have, and she stated so ! but / which allowed Boris to rip into him for the second time in 2 days …[Womble had stated the Scottish parliament had voted to vote against the withdrawal and for a referendum] Boris stated that over £9bn goes to their parliament to boost their tax raising to pay for HEALTH ETC ETC and they were screwing it up and in great "debt" due to bad management … Boris stated I hope you realise if you were independent you would be £9bn shorter.... Womble was looking for an excavator, spade was not big enough ..……….. so just the lords now …………..
  10. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    well 40 days on and Boris is settling in … CORBYN, scraping the barrel for questions was mauled today ….and WOMBLE (scots refer to as Teletubby) absolutely buried again, has very little to ask ...except want out, today however he was knocked into outer space ….
    WOMBLE … " Mr Speaker, when will the PM realise the Scottish people have delivered a resounding NO [ he was on about seats won at last GE ] on what they want ….
    Boris …. very calmly stated he agreed, they had sent a resounding NO in 2014 when they voted to stay in a once in a generation vote … they were not stupid they could see the advantages of staying and to leave would be a disaster .. massive joviality reverberated around parliament ….
    Womble sat there grinning and waving his hand [ bit like a 3 y o childs wave when told to wave by their parent ] at Boris as if to say ..ok you win …..lol .....he was more than gobsmacked.
    My worry is he is starting to quickly and needs to prioritise 3 or 4 major things …. and get them done ….!

  11. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    WELL HERE WE ARE …. Day 50, the 31st of January 2020 . . its like cup final day but we know the result!
    goodwill to all men [ and women] has never been a more apt statement to commemorate this day …..

    there have been some amazing reactions, basically against democracy, and in the end good always prevails over bad...…
    It has been said just a hardcore of a few hundred remainers were in the face of the camera's that made it look like there were thousands! The biggest march picked up by the media of remainers was enhanced by many thousands of tourist's /leavers and onlookers that were on the day to savour the event or just caught up in it!
    Never have so few made so much noise in an effort to overturn the democratic wish of the people ….. at least the lawyers were happy, taking money from the hypocrits who believe in equality and citizens rights and are supporters of the spread of wealth and the ultimate downfall of this country as a world financial power.

    a recent TV programme featured a few clips of the past 2 years, about 10 secs of the leavers the rest of it a few minutes featured remainers .. the clips introduced as / titled, "we wont be getting anymore of this" .. a flash back to the militant remainers that cant take "yes" for an answer!!!!! so now lets just get on with it.....

    The 50p ... the Brexit 50p …. for collectors shouldn't be hard to get one.. likely there will be 20 -30 million minted …. Royal mint is actively withdrawing early years coins to be melted down [cupro nickel ] so wont be short of raw material!

    it was nice to see the EU parliament in such a good mood for the final vote, although some of the labour / green / lib undemocrats were less happy, now jobless they all are! but those with a few years under their belts will have a few bob in their pensions! Pretty much all reps voted in agreement, certainly enough to ensure every country had a majority to say

    goodbye GREAT BRITAIN, GOODBYE UNITED KINGDOM we will miss you and your £££££££££££'s
  12. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I see the EU have started already!!! we want Gibraltar back ..pledged their support for Spain …
  13. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    you have to laugh ……. poor old JEREMY C just marking time at PMQ's 3 weeks on trot a different Q but asks it as all 5 of his Q's for PMQ's
    and WOMBLE with his 8 pages of script ask's 2 and always the same a knock at BORIS via Scottish Independence .. this week a reference with them wishing to rejoin EU!
    C.A.P which is being replaced might take up to 7 years! but farmers should not lose out in the mean time ….
  14. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    just 97 days have passed since the coming of BORIS and the demise of Corbyn...…………………………
    IT SEEMS like a life time already with all that has gone on, and to be honest I cant really see that any other candidate WILL or COULD do better than BORIS. …………… SO FAR!
    As a keen follower of PMQ's JC has been slaughtered at almost every turn. His interpretation of the situations wildly off the mark, and his image manipulated to try to suit the occasion. He has now done his last PMQ, as leader of the opposition and his most disappointing act must have been getting Pickfords to UNLOAD ALL HIS STUFF and put it back in his house on Friday 13th December ...an round UNLUCKY DAY for JC [ and that liberal undemocrat woman … what was her name? ].
    He has become such an ungracious entity since the GE, ITS GOOD HE HAS GONE, the positivity rating of the parliament soared after Parliament closed it doors last night. An interview today, lasting all of 90 secs showed just how far out of touch and unrealistic and bitter he is. The clever people of this country know HOW THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN DEALT WITH SO FAR is nothing but a massive positive. I think the interview was cut short because all it would do is supply a platform for his bitterness, and highlight his ineptitude at dealing with something...… his first words were knocking the government for not dealing with the SE … HAVING BEEN ONE, WORKED WITH LOADS only a small % will not be able to manage without "work" for 3 month's …!and a lot will rue the day they took advantage of "how they did their accounts!"
    SO lets move on slimey puppet has gone and we start the next chapter of ...… the UK … whose people who in time of need nearly always come up with the goods ….. heres to 2021
    KEEP SMILING:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile:emoticon-0100-smile
    KEEP SUPPORTING THE NHS <applause><applause><applause><applause><applause><applause><applause><applause>
  15. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    quote from 1 of the most evil 50 men in history

    Jeremy Corbyn says the government's response to coronavirus proves he was "absolutely right" about public spending at the 2019 general election.
    The Labour leader told the BBC he had been "denounced as somebody that wanted to spend more money than we could possibly afford" to fix social wrongs.

    But he said he had been vindicated by the vast sums the government was spending on the current crisis.

    This proves without ANY doubt what a total self centred egoist a**o he his … that cant be rightan as** is useful.. more like an ice cube trying to cross the sahara desert!...
    HOW CAN you even start to compare the present disasterous disease with future social spending and the volumn of money it needs .. we clap the NHS AT 8PM I did and about 60% of our road did it LAST NIGHT it is about time we clapped all those people that VOTED for Boris and not as*wipe JC ….

    IF I had an evil mind I know what I WOULD BE WISHING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Why are we (correction you) still talking about the election?
    BCFCRob likes this.
  17. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    its 98 days since ..& its not about the election … it shows how lucky we are … to have a fantastic NHS and a PM who is GETTING IT DONE … and before you join the ICRUI brigade ans sayhe should have done more sooner .. then think of the logistics involved and having only 1 chance to get it right … its a bit like the old petrol engine ...check the fuel check the distributor leads and rotorarms check the plugs etc etc .. simple logic .. follow the obvious... 30 million employed? v 5 million SE ...NO BRAINER … ...???why??? because the BIGGEST NUMBER/% of SE community earn their living from the employed … or the companies that employ the employed ………… on top of that the civil service work force is diminishing due to COVID 19 … and so takes longer to get action 1 up and running before starting on action 2 or 3 or 4 … simples

    PS picked this thread because you often moan about to many threads having the same flavour !:emoticon-0105-wink:
  18. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    99 days and far from the country looking to moving forward with tentative agreements from /with Europe we are gripped in an all out war I am not really a totally religious person ..respect the church for births death's and marriages was a choir boy till 12 who sung a solo at WELLS cathedral with a voice as good as ALED Jones probably even a bit higher notes .. 1 year later 2 weeks before another opportunity voice broke ... but every morning when I kick my feet out of bed I say to myself looking up " thankyou for being alive, [ and now I add .. please if you taking somebody home make it as painless as possible and a big THANKYOU for JC and his cronies not being in charge. ] 260 POOR SOULS pass on in the last 24 hours my heart goes out to their families.
    Today I look back at the end of 2019 and the minority of "NEGATIVE MINDED bad losers " that grabbed the headlines with Boris out and stay in the EU ….. met their COME UPPANCE ON 12th December …. when those that were positively charged grabbed their turn of the headline. …. and now those same neggies are at it again blaming the GOV for not doing this that and the other earlier …. I bet the MAJORITY OF THOSE THAT DID NOT CLAP THURSDAY night are in that group...
    May positivity overcome negativity and our NHS achieve the impossible and see most of us through it … my wife works in a care home .. and as such means I am unable to be isolated 100% … it is scary but life is what it is .. and you can only play the cards you are dealt...……….
  19. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bristol it seems has been quite lucky so far still spare ventilators .. not been there for a while [ couple of years ] has frenchay been pulled down built on ????
    the new f1 oxygen feed mask looks like a massive boost … according to sources can free up ventilators a lot quicker … maybe after 2 or 3 days! or used stand alone for milder cases...?
    saw my first police patrol for yonks 2 wpc' in the same car !!!!
    great they are arresting people ...who in their right mind would want to deliberately spit cough or sneeze over the ES's .. minimum punishment should be a tag and if they have it get then no ventilator! …. we hear it a lot " if there is a chance, bearing in mind we have to make clinical decisions and an oap will be dropped down the list!!! . then they should be dropped even further ….
    Spain believes they are cresting … BUT THE DOCTOR INTERVEIWED stated it could last for a month before dropping off …. so far UK is understaffed but also has surfeit of ventilators … but not expected to be so for long as momentum will begin to build up …. those infected at present day one will almost certainly infected 1 or 2 others who in a week [day 8] will be joining the day 1 ers come day 15 it is hoped the number may be smaller and day 1 ers are clear by day 22 again admitted may be smaller and day 8 ers will be clear … allowing for diminiushing numbers and 14 days to clear by day 49 it should be well and truly manageable ….. this is my interpretation of an interview regarding what may happen, I see the peak likely to be day 15 - 22/29 ….. as an over 70 not looking forward to missing my second summer ...like r&w spent it 2019, recovering from an op ……
  20. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    disaster NO D I S A S T E R people have many different ways of putting money aside for retirement holiday home for rent gives a capital sum place to spend "free" time at because letting out for 12 weeks in the summer pays all the bills and leaves a profit to supplement the pension …. buy a second house for rent or invest in the stockmarket where the capital often varies but the bonus is dividends .. 10 of my shares pay good dividends and 3 are banks yielding me about 3.5 - 4k a year ...now when most needed they are stopping them … spoke to a friend who also has same lines of thought and he has not heard a thing …..will/would have been a shock as the next 8 weeks was expecting around £ 1.5k.
    WHILST SHARES GO UP AND DOWN currently down ..mine by 53%, the dividends remain fairly stable and compared to interest on money invested in banks building societies bonds etc is a lot more. £1000 IN A BANK /BS might pay out £20 + bond £70 …………….£1000 in shares of say LLYODDS /BT / VODAPHONE would pay [eg LLOYDS = 1500 shares would pay in excess of £135 .. ]out a lot more. This disease is crippling not only the economy by paying out to help out of work / se/ companies but will decimate the elderly pensioners ….
    how many on here are oaps likely to suffer excessively from COVID-19 ….

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