As you all know , Iran and Israel are in serious conflict these days. However , why should it reflect Olympic games? read more:
That's a decent blog actually. I think in some cases sport and politics should mix - refusal to play against south Africa who wouldn't let black players from touring teams play was long overdue and obviously, in my opinion at least, the right thing to do. On the flip side, of course, if the Olympics had been boycotted in 1938 Jessie Owens and co would not have had the chance to stick it right up Hitler. Iran obviously has its reasons but I can't say i really agree and i wouldn't be happy if any of our athletes were told not to compete against people because of their country, skin colour or anything like that. We do, of course, face the risk of being boycotted ourselves as an invading power - and to be honest I wouldn't complain about it.
Sport should be about just that. People foisting their politics onto sporting entities taint the nobility of the pursuit.
Sport and Politics are connected by politicians, but they shouldn't be connected by sportsmen. What I mean by that is, if politicians want to score political points against other world leaders by criticising how a nation stages a Games or how it treats its people in day to day life, there's nothing to really stop them. But an athlete's priority, first and foremost, should be on getting the shiniest colour of metal and the highest podium spot possible. Not on sticking it to person X because they're representing country Y.