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Forza Bianchi
Last Activity:
Sep 24, 2015
Jan 25, 2011
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Forza Bianchi

Well-Known Member

Forza Bianchi was last seen:
Sep 24, 2015
    1. EternalMSC
      Would you like to play Mafia 4 mate, just need one more user I think!!
    2. Nazara
      Bloody hell Forza!!!
      Make up your mind on what your avatar is going to be. <laugh>
    3. cosicave

      Forza: please leave all the entertainment on view will you? This is better than reading the threads he's contributed to.

      P.S. Watch that ape X
    4. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      Old UsernameNew UsernameDate ChangedChanged By
      Jose LorcaForza Ferrari03:00 PM, 18/05/2011Forza Ferrari
    5. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      You deserve to get banned! I will get you banned one day and I know I am LewisWDC but this is my mission and you will get banned(Forza Ferrari i am talking to but i send this to mods of f1 board and my eneimes). I will make life hell on the F1 Forum here so tell the mods. Ban my IP i dont care I will keep changing it and call my friends to flood the sites with multi accounts post spam on F1 Forum send abusive message to forza and wakka and brightlampshde i will get you i will be abnned but i will make life hell! so beware because i will make new account soon
    6. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      **** your mum you little ****. You deserve to get banned! I will get you banned one day and I know I am LewisWDC but this is my mission and you will get banned. I will make life hell on the F1 Forum here so tell the mods. Ban my IP i dont care I will keep changing it and call my friends to flood the sites with multi accounts post spam on F1 Forum send abusive message to forza and wakka and brightlampshde i will get you i will be abnned but i will make life hell! so beware because i will make new account soon!
    7. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      ForzaFerraris is gay Alonso shoudl get penalty for going wide at Turn 1
    8. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      **** you Fred your mum is dead
    9. di Fredsta!
      di Fredsta!
      Btw, PMC has made another Youtube account trying to get you "****ed" named "ForzaFerrariOnNot606"

      No need to say anything about people with disabilities as I have one ;)
    10. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      **** the mods hacking my account!
    11. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      Shut the **** up you racist What the **** is the purpose of you having vids like that on Youtube. Your dad's condom failed anyway so don't get happy
    12. Forza Bianchi
      Forza Bianchi

      Are you obsessed with me or something? Is there a particular reason for you spamming my Youtube channel and Not606 profile with silly insults? I'd like to see how you'd behave when you can't hide behind a computer screen. Most likely a immature little child, possibly with some sort of personality/mental disorder. That's not an insult by the way.

      Nice signature by the way. Good promotion for my videos <ok>
    13. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      <laugh> just **** off
    14. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      Not going to respond eh? Coward. Talk to Mifune about me but can't say it when I am around.
    15. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      Excuse me. Would you and your Alonso friend care to reply to me? Or is it a problem? <laugh> Just seen your Videos on Youtube! Seems like your a deluded fan boy who has Hamilton-Hate-Sites
    16. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      I have not caused any trouble so far, so I don't know why you are talking.
    17. Masanari
      <laugh> That video of him grovelling is class, plus he sounds like he has got something shoved up his nose or a really bad cold.

      I do not really know why he has not been properly banned yet he keeps being a ****** and needlessly abusive. It does not surprise me that he is only 13 years old although I still think he has got some sort of mental problem, at times he even seems a bit schizo.

      No doubt in a couple of days he will be back with another apology thread, although I am not sure what he got banned for this time.
    18. Masanari
      Has he not already been banned before when he was found out that he had multiple accounts and left loads of abusive messages on your account?

      I wonder when he will get slapped with a permanent ban.
    19. Prime Minister Cameron
      Prime Minister Cameron
      Did you see the Riots in Tottenham?
    20. di Fredsta!
      di Fredsta!
      I really hated MW2 so I sold it ;) And my internet isnt stable enough for GT5 online so you wont be able to own me <laugh>

      If I was you, I would give it a chance before you give it the "rubbish" sign. You know my PSN but to be sure to remind me its you as I rarely add people unless I know who they are.
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  • About

    ---The YouTube account called "ForzaFerrariOnNot606" does not belong to me.
    ---It is the work of a schizophrenic 13 year old who calls himself "LewisWDC".
    ---Please direct any abusive messages to his YouTube account:



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