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- Last Activity:
- Jan 21, 2013
- Joined:
- Jan 24, 2011
- Messages:
- 1,254
- Likes Received:
- 2
- Trophy Points:
- 38
- Location:
- London
- Occupation:
- Student
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Kamran - KingKoscielny
Active Member, from London
- Kamran - KingKoscielny was last seen:
- Jan 21, 2013
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- Location:
- London
- Occupation:
- Student
I love discussing football and giving my superior opinion.
I've lived 2 minutes away from both Highbury and the Emirates all my life. Arsenal is in my blood.Interact
I think Javier Hernandez is the worst player in the Premier League, possibly in the world.
All he does is stand on the goal line and wait for the ball to hit him and go in.
Shocking player.