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- Last Activity:
- Aug 18, 2011
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- KingPepeReina. was last seen:
- Aug 18, 2011
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I'm a person that tries very hard to be genuine,but that can lead to problems as I am outspoken and impetious.I call a spade a spade.I tell it as it is.If I don't like someone they will know very quickly.I pass them off,people know if I like them if I converse with them.I do not have conversations with people I do not like.However, there is things that I cannot abide,Cliques,Snobs and fakes.I detest people that are what is known in simple terms ''I am better than you'' people.They don't have to say it,its written accross their foreheads.What I mean by ''snobs'' is people that think they are better than they actually are and look at you as if you were something they trod on.The best thing in my opinion is to cut them off at the ankles,or preferably knock them off their high horse.I never try to be something I'm not,If I did I would be a hypocrite.The thing I hate most in the world is Manchester United.I hate them with a passion,I hate the stadium,the manager,the players,the mascot,the jesrsey everything.Being a Liverpool fan,its my right to.Interact
Watch out Fergie....Liverpool are back and will destroy anything that attempts to stand in their way.