Maybe if pakis had a better sense of humour, they wouldn't be so despised. Even the most ardent racists don't mind the chinks. I think it's to do with their fine line in self deprecating humour.
Pedro I am glad to see that not even you are racist and sectarian all the time. You quite enjoy singing/chanting sectarian and racist songs and chants but you draw the line against face pulling in Italy. How magnanimous of you. However I think your time would be better spent trying to stop your fellow Rangers fans bringing shame on Glasgow and Scotland by getting themselves banned from attending future wee European Games.
I never am mate. Wrong again pal, never sing anthing racist or sectarian plus the game was in Beijing. So you want me to ignore racism in football on TV to focus on Rangers supporters? Huh!?!
You think he's really a Rangers fan and he's pretending to be a simple minded celtic fan to get laughs?
Mendro You are the simple minded Rangers fan. As I doubt that you have any influence in Italy or in Italian Football, however as you mingle among fellow sectarian and racist Rangers fans; there is no reason why you cannot attempt to reduce their racism.
Just search for it. I searched "me so solly gif" in google images- it's a pretty well known Simpsons quote so there were plenty of screenshots, just a bit of luck that I found the gif.