Well I made it back to Hull in time to see City beat Southampton, seems I am a good luck charm I have never seen City beaten at the KC. I am going to be home for a couple of months so hopefully we can go on a winning streak now
Only be gone 3 years not been keeping up much has anything interesting been going on with city? did I miss much
Good to be back a couple of years back rumours on here were that I was dead a view shared by the national insurance office in Newcastle when I tried to get a new card they told me that according to their computers I was listed as deceased :-O
Glad to hear you're in high spirits, John. Pity you weren't here a month earlier, you could have been the 2017 face of Hull.
That donation fund helped in more ways than you realise not only did that little boost help at a very difficult time when no help was coming from my bank or the US government all flooded but more importantly it let me know that some people gave a **** about me at a very difficult time. I thank everybody off here that sent something you are my people and you came through for me and I'll be there for you if I can and you need something