What's a BUFFON, is that the same as a BUFOON, as per Boris Johnson? I thought Buffon was an Italian goalie.
I will have to go into therapy when it is over - back to the uneventful life after this. At least there will be another in four years.
If your hinting at some sort of a conspiracy, I don't see much of one. Naturally a former N.Y. City mayor would maintain some ties to the NewYork Field Office of the FBI, which is where the accusations stem from. As far as the effect it might have on the election - it will only bring back some portion of those natural conservatives, which dislike Trump, that a normal Republican candidate would consider as part of his/her natural base.
The gun lobby's answer to increasing levels of gun crime is always to strive for more guns...It is utter madness in my eyes..
not in the Netherlands mate there are more gun deaths now than 20 years ago, not 100% sure on this but im sure there were less gun deaths in Britain from the 20s to the 60 than there are now, during the wars nearly every ****er had a gun
There may well be more deaths from guns than there was 20 years ago, but it is still very obvious that the gun controls work when you compare it to places like the USA who do not have them..
Now you have got me? Most of those places are war zones mate... Hardly a comparison.. If you want to look at other places that are not at war with high gun crime then you could have mentioned Mexico and Venezuela.. I would imagine that their gul laws are very lax too and both have higher death rates than the USA. Actually just checked my figures, and I was correct with Venezuela, but the USA is a higher rate than Mexico, although Mexico does have a pretty high death rate.
mate you just contradicted yourself , There may well be more deaths from guns than there was 20 years ago.................... during world war 2 everyone was armed .guns everywhere, then guns controls came in after the war. even more stringent now, and controls on air guns but still more deaths SO HOW DOES GUN CONTROL WORK, WHEN A WHOLE NATION IS ARMED BUT LESS GUN DEATHS. AND GOD FORBID A BIG WAR NO ****ER WILL KNOW THE BACKEND FROM THE FRONT OF A GUN LET ALONE HOW TO FIELD STRIP FOR A JAM
Are you actually saying there was less gun deaths during the war? There was millions killed in Europe mate..
YES THAT WAS WAR. the number of murders was nearly none existent, even the coppers were armed for german paratroopers, even dads army had live ammo, yes still barely no gun crime, you are quoting peace time American gun deaths, but its always been big there, Britain American civil war, outlaws, indian wars, the civil war north south, the Alamo
Guns were extremely well controlled in the UK during the war...The home guard even had a hell of a job getting hold of weapons... Also this has nothing to do with the argument of the massive differential between death rates by firearms in Western societies at peace in contemporary times..
ok mate wish you a good night and enjoyed the craic have a few sherbets as a night cap and sleep well