It's an accumulation of 5 to 6 years of disenchantment. The people running the club are clueless.....the more I thought about it I think your right.
I used to known as a happy clapper you know? What the **** has Ellis Short done to me? He's ruined me as a fan.
Crowds will come back with good results, a little run of wins, in any division, especially with your club. Boro fans never used to turn up, I remember 12,000 empty seats every game, that's when they were in the PL last under Southgate.
I definitely think that if we go down we will struggle to get crowds over 25,000. They all come in their buses and cars from the outlying areas to watch the PL and along with us diehards from the town we get good crowds. I am getting on now after supporting them for over 50 years and I believe that there are quite a few in my age group who will call it a day, I won't be going over regularly to watch championship standard football anyway. It's different at Newcastle, they are nailed on to go back up again and they have something to prove, along with a decent manager. We are totally different , if our mismanagement from executive level continues when we go down then they won't buy the players required to kick our way out of the lower leagues, and if by chance we do get up, will they invest as required?
Agree in principal but we are just as capable of doing as needs must to avoid the drop or shoot back up. In all honesty I was a bit put out that they got McLaren last season and look what happened, they will go back to playing catch up, much the same as us, to survive in the top league and will have to spend big to replace the championship players who will get them promotion. They had fortune when Spurs paid over the odds for Sissoko but the spending will have to be big without any guarantees. We certainly have got it wrong over the years but each manager we appoint has a different approach and the team is constantly changed. Get a style, and suit the manager to our style for the sake of sustained continuity and we might get somewhere.
The club is totally over staffed off the park and always has been, most likely the chief executive has seen how ridiculous it is and sorted. I posted the other week, 6 staff in the SOL club shop on a Sunday, joke.