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Discussion in 'Plymouth' started by Plymborn, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Its a total ****ing Mess.. Jobs will go, taxes up and inflation up.. Not bad... Shares and pension pots hit hard..
  2. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Where do you get your news from Mrs Jools? Or are you just taking the p**s? I have heard none of the things you have come out with anywhere and I have nothing to do all day but listen to the news. The answer to who voted for Merkel by the way is the German people in the same way that the British people voted for their MPs.

    Boris got what Boris deserved today. Feck all for his troubles. However, I will say the same about Gove that I said about Boris. If they make him PM then I would not vote for the Tories again. Another one in the Boris camp of jumping on an opportunistic bandwagon to further their own self rather than thinking of the Country first. It really is House of Cards stuff. It almost makes Jezza look a saint by comparison. At least he has some principles and sticks to them regardless whether we think he's bonkers or not.
  3. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    I'm not a Gove lover.....but he has always been for leaving.....opposed to Boris who had a think about it then decided to join the leave campaign......and hadn't really thought what he would do next having won.....which appalled Gove.

    Also Rupert Murdcoch ain't a Boris lover.....but doesn't dislike Gove....so maybe something sinister was going on there.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
  4. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    Even more reason not to vote for Gove then. Anything Murdoch likes cannot possibly be a good thing. Don't be naive though plym. Boris knew exactly what he was doing but he didn't expect the sneaky back attack. He should have he's been in politics long enough.
  5. Plymjools

    Plymjools Active Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Its all online Sensible and a darn sight more which you probably wont want to read as it goes against the general consensus on here .... If the vote had been remain I wouldn't have liked it but I would have accepted it as that is what democracy is all about, however the ones that lost have done nothing but whinge, whine and moan .... it speaks volumes !
  6. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Well the ones that voted Remain will soon moan, when they start losing their jobs, pension pots shrinking. hopefully that won't happen. The economy shrinks and we go back into recession.. They did not think, just a vote against the establishment or the PAST..
    We will still be controlled by the EU but in a different way if we are in the Single market, which is a must.
  7. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    What is often overlooked in all this is that the Brexit wing of the Conservative party as largely the same group who form the far right of the party, Gove included, let alone Liam Fox.

    Once they've taken the driving seat in the party and therefore the Government, expect to hear much more about real (not imaginary) privatisation of the NHS, cuts in welfare spending, attacks on the BBC and much more nasty stuff.

    This of course will be against a background of the Government HAVING to continue to reduce the suicidal level of borrowing run up by Gordon Brown in order to stop post referendum worries in the financial markets about the UK's monetary stability turning into a total loss of confidence on the same scale of the ones in Greece, Spain and Portugal. Don't think that doesn't affect you because as confidence diminishes, the interest the Government has to pay on its borrowing goes up and the only way of making ends meet is higher taxes or lower spending.

    To put this in context, the Government is currently spending nearly as much on debt interest as it does on Defence, more than it spends on Police & Public Order and approaching a half of what it spends on Education.

    Cuts in spending will have to be made by these guys will go at it with relish.

    If the ignorant used the referendum to take a swipe at a Conservative government because of cuts and austerity, then they have sown the wind and will reap a whirlwind.
  8. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Exactly, they voted against the Torries for the cuts, But didnt look at the bigger picture.. I think thise cuts will look marginally small compared to what will need to be done sometime soon.. The Bank of England can only do so much it cant cure the problem these idiots will cause, they dont understand.. Keep watching Jeremy kyle. :emoticon-0140-rofl::emoticon-0140-rofl: That is there goverment.. :emoticon-0147-emo::emoticon-0147-emo:
  9. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    All online where jools? I don't do general surfing of the net I can't be arsed to be honest. What I do rely on is the main news sources such as the BBC/ITN. I have seen none of this on there and I've watched a fair bit of it. It isn't that I wouldn't want to read it either. I am not one of those that actually wants the whole thing to go tits up just to prove a point. I am one of those who expects it to go and I have seen nothing much that tells me it won't so far.

    I have spoken to quite a few people who voted out. Have to say most of them didn't vote on the subject at hand. What they voted against was "The Government" or rather Cameron. One said to me "Oh I could never vote for anything he stands for". I heard a young girl speaking at a memorial in France yesterday when asked how the war thing at the Somme affected her. "Well if it wasn't for them we would be speaking German now wouldn't we" she replied. This girl was all of 16. If somebody of that age quotes **** like that then what hope is there for anyone. The ignorance is beyond belief sometimes.

    If the vote had gone the other way of course I'd have been happy. Nothing much would have changed and there wouldn't be so much uncertainty about. I cannot do anything about my finances now given my age. If it all goes tits up then I and many others will be fecked. I do not need my boat rocking and whilst not perfect by any means Europe was a safe option. I don't care what you out people quote, you will not get your way about movement of people, you will still pay to trade and it will mainly be on terms you have no control over or say in anymore. If you think that's a bargain and you have won something then that's up to you.
  10. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
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    May 3, 2011
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    You might be be right sensible about the movement of people.....but someone needs to try and change it, the system is open to abuse by those that come here uncontrolled ,to try to cause trouble.

    Don't forget we buy £60 million worth of goods more than we sell to them......they might be willing to re-think that one..... because it could cause the laying off of those that produce the goods that we buy from them....it's a two way thing......Ian Smith in the old Rhodesia found ways of getting what they needed.....even with a boycott of selling goods to them....I realize that ain't a very good comparison....but I think you understand what I mean.

  11. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Tell me how you change something from the outside with no say over any of the rules at all? You people just guaranteed we won't be able to change a thing. "come here uncontrolled to try to cause trouble"??????????? What exactly does that mean then? We must pull up the drawbridge and keep the fuzzy wuzzies out Mr Mainwaring Sir. And the IN crowd were accused of scaremongering. You couldn't make it up could you.

    As for the trade stuff well we shall see won't we. Nobody else gets off the donations and movement thing but of course were Great Britain aren't we and nobody fecks with us.

    What do you think of your dream ticket pair now by the way? Bojo and Gove better known as gormless and the assasin. What a fine pair of English gentlemen they are.
  12. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Ah I agree with Plmborn on "those that cause trouble" if that means terrorists, terrorist supporters, inciters to racial or religious violence and those that oppose sexual equality or commit serious crimes.

    They should be slung out.

    But we didn't need to leave the EU to do that but merely scrap the Human Rights Act (replacing it with our own) and breaking all ties to the European Court of Justice. Our Law Lords become the ultimate appeals court once again and Robert's your father's brother.

    Not easy in itself but a damn sight better than leaving the EU
  13. Plymjools

    Plymjools Active Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 4, 2011
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  14. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    But isn't that nit picking.....how can you stay in and break all ties to the European Court of Justice.....that's like saying we will not allow the Free Movement of People and yet still want to be part of the free trading agreement.
  15. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Better than f***ing up the economy... notwithstanding what that unbiased organ of the quality press the Express may say! In fact you rule out all the papers, only the BBC , statements by the Bank of England. company statements and the financial press are likely to contain any truth.

    Bearing that in mind, Easyjet are off to Ireland it seems....
  16. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    So that's one plus straight away getting rid of Easyjet....things are on the up.

    How is the odious Osborne still with us......wouldn't trust him not to put a spanner in the works.....because that's what he was hinting at if we voted leave....there is only one Tory/Labour politician in leadership I would trust at the moment and that is Andrea Leadsom.....and for me to trust any Tory is mind boggling....but she knows what she is talking about and came out well during the referendum debates.
  17. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Not at all Osborne has done a terrific job in starting to haul us back to solvency after the Brown years.

    What he said before the vote was right.

    Although it's now been toned down to avoid terrifying already frightened horses in the financial markets, it's now been confirmed that we won't get to a balanced budget by 2020.

    As the economy slows, it'll be a longer period of austerity. There will be an Autumn budget I'm sure and it won't be pretty.
  18. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Brown was 6 yrs ago.....you can't keep blaming the Labour Government of that time anymore.....there comes a time when you have to own what is happening now.....and 6 yrs ago is now history.......isn't Cameron's Government borrowing more than ever Brown did or so the treasury's figures say from some sources.

    Slimy Osborne would never have balanced the books by 2020....every year he lies his way through each yearly target.....I'm so pleased that he isn't running for PM....he knows that he isn't liked and is avoiding the humiliation of being slapped down.....no sign of him supporting his buddy Cameron when he announced he was stepping down.....in fact the Tory in joke was that he had been kidnapped and no one was willing to pay the ransom.

    If we have got to have a Tory leader/PM than I would like someone who has their heart behind leaving.....and that person is Andrea Leadsom....she campaigned well during the referendum and kept her cool well, coming out of the debates with plusses.....good banking background, has worked herself up the pecking order in a male dominated industry.
  19. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Back in 2008, the UK had borrowing levels which were the equivalent of Spain and Portugal and not a lot better than Greece. Debt levels at the time were still rising and would have continued to do so as the banking crash hit the economy.

    Would you have liked higher taxes or lower spending to solve the problem sooner?

    Up until the referendum, the UK had a better rate of growth than nearly any other developed economy. The Bank of England, which had identified Brexit as the biggest risk to the UK economy prior to the vote is now talking about having to cut interest rates to try to minimize the coming downturn rather than raise them to damp down excessive growth as was the expectation before the vote. Do you seriously think the BoE is making this up?

    Since the referendum, both rating agencies have marked the UK's creditworthiness down. Do you think that helps?
  20. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    I always love this thing about it being xyz years ago and you can't continue to blame the old brigade. Well sorry but yes you fecking can if they caused such a bollox up that we are still carrying the can and will be for a while longer yet. The Labour Government borrowed money like it was going out of fashion and led us into one of the biggest Banking disasters ever. Who else would you blame?

    Why would you be happy to see any business go elsewhere plym? Are you that much of a lemming that you would play your fiddle as the City burnt. People work there and I'm sure when their jobs go they won't share your enthusiasm. I don't like MacDonalds but I wouldn't want to see them all close out of spite. Mind you as long as they're our own unemployed that's ok I suppose. I have yet to hear one logical explanation that has any credit why people voted the way they did.

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