That is the response I was after.... I have no problem with people fighting their corners...I will never agree with you and can't for the life of me understand why you think he is entertaining though... PS..The Torygraph is just a posher version of the two papers I mentioned though..
I was arguing a point with someone else, but seeing as you insist on joining in, I was making a point that Clarkson uses the right wing rhetoric often championed by the tabloids I mentioned that belittle's the poor, those on benefit, immigrants and women just to name a few. I was trying to draw out what he actually finds entertaining about this as it is beyond me...
I don't care what you were attempting to do, what you actually did was make an assumption on the guy, just because he likes somebody you don't like. If I read what car you had for example, and said to you "I take it you spend your evenings in doing crosswords and boring people to death about the ozone", that would be unfair, it's a completely unfounded assumption, your assumption was unfounded. Whether you like Clarkson or not, call him what you want it makes no odds to me, but pigeon holing Blind Corner because he likes Clarkson applies to me as well, I like him, so therefore your unfounded assumption that happened to have an air of superiority to it, also applied to me by default.
It's called having a debate about a divisive subject on an internet forum.. No one said it has to be nice, and I gave the reasons for the assumptions I made and Blind Corner made his point back at me...
It didn't look like a debate to me. To me it looked like you spotted something that you didn't agree with so you chose to belittle the guy using some unfounded inference about his source of information. Let's forget this, it's getting nowhere, I'll drop a few on you over the course of the next few weeks and see how you respond.
I wonder whether or not Tel has considered booking a room for himself and Davey Corner (it would be a sort of Blind date) . . . . it seems to me like an obvious 'next stage'
Haven't seen the new one yet but always liked the old one (yes I know Clarkson is a horrible ****) and found it quite entertaining for a bit of brain dead TV, absolutely **** all good if you want some information about cars but entertaining. The problem with sticking with the same format is that Clarksons new show will just be a better version of it making top gear a bit irrelevant, and of course Chris ****ing Evans has got to be the least watchable person on telly (he's already the hardest person to listen to on the radio). I'll probably stick it on on iplayer at some point but I'm not expecting much and doubt I'll be planning my Sunday evenings around it.
Well that bit of humour was wasted on you, Tel., and you've made your feelings towards me perfectly clear