If no-one else is thinking of doing it I will hold my hand up. Any ideas for likely printers and how many could we shift on here - I suppose a lot depends on price - and can we get them round to people in time?
I took the gamble and got a load of black and amber silk HULL CITY rosettes made. Nice too, lovely deep true colours, Championship Play Off Final, Wembley May 2016 on the ribbons and HULL CITY in the middle. £2.50 each. They are currently on sale in Chanterlands DIY. Good luck with the T Shirts.
Was thinking of flags/ banners rather than tee shirts ( no sizes to worry about ) plus these are only good for one match so don't want to be left with a load. Will be in for a couple of rosettes though.
The last time I wore a rosette at Wembley watching a football match I was supporting Sheffield Wednesday in the 1966 FA Cup Final against Everton.
It's definitely better for a single banner, rather than a load of little things. Though if it's actually being done you need to check the Wembley regulations and get a fire certificate, they're strict at Wembley.
This needs to happen, I've just put this up on Twitter and it's getting a massive reaction, surely black and amber t-shirts or flags can be knocked up by a local company in time for Saturday?
So people haven't already bought all that tat which gets our name & colours wrong from the tat merchants in town?
Guidance for use of flags at Wembley Stadium Wembley Stadium upholds the highest standards of Health and Safety. The following guidance is in line with the stadium’s grounds regulations. - We know that many supporters like to display flags at football matches and Wembley Stadium will always be as accommodating as possible. - Flags are not generally confiscated, however the obstruction of gangways, access routes, exits and entrances, health and safety signage and stairways is strictly forbidden. - In the event of an emergency we must have all access and exit points clear. - Wembley Stadium reserves the right to confiscate flags if they are very large or may compromise public safety, obscure someone’s view, a camera position or if a flag carries offensive, discriminatory or inflammatory messaging. - Flags more than 250cm in size at their widest or longest section will not be allowed and flagpoles greater than 1m in length will not allowed. - Any articles that could potentially be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety are strictly prohibited. - Permission must be sought in advance from the stadium and event owner to arrange use of the very large supporter flags that are designed to be passed over people's heads. In such cases the flag must be flame ******ant and the organiser bringing the flag into the stadium will need to provide the appropriate H&S certification. Entry to the Ground shall constitute acceptance of the Ground Regulations. Published by Wembley National Stadium Limited 2007 Read more at http://www.wembleystadium.com/TheStadium/StadiumGuide/RulesnRegulations#p5rGAlSRCv2YwVQy.99
Speaking of Wembley flags, what happened to that massive one we have for the FA Cup - was it the final and / or semi? I know they were commissioned by Wembley / the FA themselves but surely they wouldnt just bin them. Would they? Would be a great 'prize' to commemorate the success of that season.
Where did we get the ones in the KC printed? (The Cobb Morley etc.) Am looking online but there isn't an obvious choice
The others weren't done locally. I've asked a local printer if there's any way he could turn it around it time, I'll let you know (if he can it would need artwork sorting sharpish).