From the nufc board "I'm honestly disappointed in the low standard of wummery from the Mackems. Absolutely ****ing hopeless." Sorry lads looks like sympathy is out we really should do better
Aren't they still caught up with the game at the Stadium of Light earlier in the season? That's the game they out played us and got beat 3 - 0?
Who gives a **** about them. They're literally a league below us. I'm not giving York fans grief either as it doesn't really have anything to do with me.
Cos thats the best they can do. They can say sweet f*ck all cos theyre sh*t and they know it, We wupped their arses and they have to make the best of it. I have a couple of acquaintances, not friends, who have season tkts there and for the genuine lads I have some sympathy, in the words of Paul Daniels " not a lot" but some. But they do seem to possess a phenominal amount of bitter tossers who cannot take it. Love giving it but cannot take it.
The "low standard of wummery" is because we're proper Geordies, i.e. true N.E. lads, and they're nowt but pretentious arrogant 'takems'. I'm genuinely sorry to see a N.E. side - one of the best supported clubs in England - destined for a lower league. So let's hear one word of praise from the takems for our survival, eh? I doubt you'll find it..
To be fair to them there has been threads conceding we are the better team. As a regular on their board, i think they are ashamed and embarassed of their club. I fully intended to batter their board, but after the initial laughing and piss taking, i realised that i do the same the whole year through, relegation was and added bonus. But seeing some of our own arguing with each other on the take the piss thread, kinda dampered it a bit. I didnt need relegation to tell them they are deluded ****wits. But it was a welcome addition. So FTM. Not just on relegation but on every aspect of that circus act of a club.
Perhaps they find it difficult to understand that we`re not particularly interested. Apart from the derbies which have a bit of venom they`re just another team. Three teams go down. They are one of them. It pleases us as much as the reverse would please them. Other than that it`s matterless what they do. Unless we meet them in a competition they are irrelevant to us now. Perhaps that`s what they are unable to accept.
I think that a lot of fans of other teams just feel sorry for them having to put up with that **** week after week. I've just watched the true Geordies latest rant and I agree with every word he says. Let's hope they have a couple of seasons in the lower leagues and try to build themselves up again because no matter what anyone says, we will miss the derby matches, but not those early kick-offs, ridiculous .
I went to have a look a couple of times but lost interest fairly quickly. Wumming was pointless. They have nothing to fight back with really. I found the vomit inducing articles in the Chronic much more entertaining.
Aye. They have given up. Conceded and basically held their hands up and acknowleged their ****iness. I think the lack of piss taking gets to them more.
I thought I'd put this up somewhere: Newcastle Supporter chokes himself after Sunderland beat Everton 3-0: please log in to view this image
Thing is, I can remember to the nearest couple of feet where I was when the final result came over the wireless in 1958. The shock, pain, shame hurt like a knife in the midriff (I've had two of those, so I do know). And I can't condone 50,000+ other human beings being made to feel like that, not even takems. Those people have given and will give everything for that club, and eleven pampered over-paid b**tards leave them feeling like this? Nah, I can't enjoy it and I can't forgive it either.
It probably is mate. Accepting irrelevance must be the first step in their rehab of self importance delusion.
I know a family who detest football which is fair enough - each to their own thing. Every time Newcastle get beat the son is over the moon the reason being "the way they go on " he is sick to death of the local media bias, "geordie nation"and generally how they think they are something special. I asked him if his dad was happy on Wednesday night (his dad is in his 80's) and he told me he was sitting with a party hat on blowing a party blower when he heard they were down as it might shut them up for a while. So you see its not just us rival supporters who think they are a bunch of w***ers
I will state now. Myself and a few others have been on here since day one. Same as some of the mags. And believe me if i say 'some of them twats were a nightmare' It was in a time of cross board threads. They (some not all) would be all over this board like a bad case of crabs, if the roles were reversed. Ive spoke to some of their board for 5 1/2 years. Guess we know each other quite well by now. They have endured years of me taking the piss. And vice versa. So me giving them grief is like water of a ducks back. They just accept it as the norm now. But certain posters (im looking at you mr.rocket). Your wummimg/piss taking was feeble. Read their board. Find what makes them tick. Then exploit it.