I dont get it. Moved to Doncaster from Durham to be closer to his bird. Thought they lived in Co Durham. Do you know who i am. Aye. Clump.
I'm so very, very sorry to hear this. I once worked for a company director who drove his Porsche at some unimaginable speed and killed an on-coming driver. When the policeman asked to see his license, he asked "Do you know who I am?" I think the copper told him, but he got off with it anyway. I hope Adam wises up and learns to slice the other guy's wrist open with a sharpened coin and drops it down a drain hole before the screws can find it. I've worked with a lot worse than a footballer that chatted up a girl ten months below the permitted age. I don't want Adam back at Sunderland, but I do know men who did a lot worse.
?? Not sure why. He ****ed us all off as fans and made us laugh ok like idiots and you can defend him? I think it's unfair he gets 6 years when compared to other similar sentences but I think it's probably right and it's the other sentences are wrong. He deserves everything he gets in there for me
It's about time he learned a few life lessons. What is he, almost 30 and with no clue about the real world. Anyone who cracks on to underage kids deserves a beating.
Your sympathy is misplaced Relic. This is an unintelligent yet arrogant human being with no concept of right and wrong. If he'd any concept of decency and humanity he'd have grasped the realisation of why he is where he is. If it's really true he said "do you know who I am", then the penny still hasn't dropped and maybe it'll take a few more beatings for him to get up to the level that most of us mere mortals already are.
My mothers boss is a solicitor who has "defended" a large number of wealthy (but guilty) people. he said it's unlikely that Johnson will ever be in general population due to his wealth. Just has to pay the right people the right money and he'll never be touched. If he's so arrogant that he thinks "why should I pay you" as he allegedly did with the lass, then he deserves everything he gets