Rolf Harris is in the middle of a stint in the slammer and it's just been revealed he'll be facing 7 more charges of Indecent Assault involving females aged between 12-27 (presumably at the time). He's 85 already. I would imagine that's him more or less dying inside prison now, so why can't he be strapped to a ****ing Paveway and pointed at Syria?
Under FIFA laws, the club had the option of seeking compensation from Johnson by claiming for losses suffered as a result of his dismissal. But Sunderland have decided against suing their ex-player as they want to move on from the scandal.- THE SUN
Such a right call by club - think he'll be in for a really hard time now - no need to give him more publicity or heartache - he'll have more than enough to come imo Just forget him now Sunderland AFC are on a roll now methinks
They must have done if my theory's correct . . . . or they at least share a gene or two . . . . what a pair
I hope the club didn't make that decision based on feeling sorry for him. That's no way to run a business. The bloke dragged the club's name through the mud. If we're entitled to claim monies back from him they should do so. If the reason for not doing so is that they felt the case for suing wasn't strong enough, then fair enough.
It's more than likely your sponsors telling your club to sever all ties to him and not to associate their name with him in any capacity.
I think more his own name dragged through the mud - he did take us for mugs big time - your business view of it is right - I was viewing from human angle for this sad sorry "mistake" he made - Sorry if crossed wires there
Fair enough if the club doesn't pursue compensation. He scored 2 goals in 20 appearances this season, no loss especially with our reinforcements! My question is, are all mags sick bastards like AJ?
Hey, you've got your own fair share... take Rolf Back, we don't want him cluttering up our cells. ****ing upside down nonce.
I agree in not pursuing him like. Doubt he'll have much left by the time it's our turn and I'm sure the club doesn't want any part in potentially reducing the payouts to the victim and AJ's Child. Plus we'd we have years of legal costs we may never see again.