Are you guys besotted with us or what? How the hell is this thread still running?................ Must have been a Cup final, that win you had over us..... please log in to view this image
One of your own bringing it up again mate...Like the sheep in the valleys he just wouldn't let it lie..
.......u yanks are full of it aint yah>>>> can a fking yank tell anyone else about being made the fking atom bomb you genocidal cu.nts <the worlds mad hey>
Funny how Marcus goes all the way back to August for the conservative " Swansea vs Sunderland " thread to spring his " Buddies " to the ready instead of the more recent " Sheep molesters vs Sunderland " . Your an easy read Marcus , quite an attempt to dignify your board as you attempt to steer your " " Buddies " for the fight ...,. Semi pitiful son .
Do do fancy a bum? I shall scream 'aye' You will whisper 'you' Sshh its a secrect, mr little wooly winnet
To be fair, ex-roofer is spoiling himself here. It hasn't went unnoticed with me that he was a very vocal 'outsider' who came on here and defended us as supporters and our club, against being tied in with Adam Johnson. So it's a bit sad that it has come to this.
You`ve got me baffled mate you really have. You keep saying that`s it, I`m going, enough, I`m gone, yet you keep coming back. Are you on a bunjee rope? Good grief man, let go.
Ha hs. Owld fella stepping in. The Zeus of the board. Dont **** with the gods. Gueds who watched a ****eovie.