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Off Topic Dark Matter and other Astronomy information.

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by BBFs Unpopular View, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    @"Lizards?" he said - seeing as the IPCC and NASA are now credible sources of information on this subject as far as you're concerned, here's a piece that I'm sure you'll agree with....


    Using satellite measurements from the NASA/German Aerospace Center Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), the researchers measured ice loss in all of Earth's land ice between 2003 and 2010, with particular emphasis on glaciers and ice caps outside of Greenland and Antarctica.

    The total global ice mass lost from Greenland, Antarctica and Earth's glaciers and ice caps during the study period was about 4.3 trillion tons (1,000 cubic miles), adding about 0.5 inches (12 millimeters) to global sea level.
  2. terrifictraore

    terrifictraore Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Thats because those climatards took their measurements in the height of summer.
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  3. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    It's a real pitty that the LHC cannot be used to create electric\electromagnetic pressure on particles at about 5000c degrees using active plasma. There is a theory that with protrons and neutrons you can create atomic nuclei, rather than colliding them. That would be a good focus, because if we cracked it, we can create many different atomic atoms.

    5000c is hot but it would be considered cold fusion relative to normal fusion temperature
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    If we could actually figure out this process ^^, the applications are eldless. We'd have access to certain almost infinite elements.

    "“One microsecond after the Big Bang, the universe was very dense and hot — about 1 trillion degrees,” Lee says.
    Once microsecond after the "bing bang" there was not enough space in the universe for all he matter it contained, let alone the room for moving particles to create a trillion degrees. I see they stepped back from Hawking's Infinite temp and density <laugh>

    "In the experimental run, researchers sent two proton beams hurtling in opposite directions around the collider at close to the speed of light. Each beam contained 476 bunches of 100 billion protons, with collisions between protons occurring every 50 nanoseconds. The team analyzed 20 million “snapshots” of the interacting proton beams, and identified 150,000 events containing proton-proton collisions."

    **** me they must have serious hardware there <yikes>
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
  4. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Never mind folks, I was way way off the mark

    This lad has cracked it
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  5. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    It came from the Berkeley group, who doubted the original curves, and whose "climategate" youtube video you have quoted

    You do know the difference between Berkely University and Berkely Earth? a privately funded organisation? <laugh>

    Here's another ouch, BerkelyEarth uses GISS data to make the global map, land and SST data, they also merged their data with CRU data, yet you'd expect a different outcome is possible <laugh>
    #adjustments #asjustments #adjustments

    Meanwhile both satellite data sets and balloon data sets all match nicely and show no warming once temp measurement is not near warming surfaces.
    What NASA are doing is trying to take the temp of the kitchen by holding the thermometer over the cooker hobb <laugh> #satellitedataisthebest

    Yet more evidence you have no idea what you are talking about <laugh>

    and better still you copied and pasted your map from a national geographic website <laugh> You might as well have went to greenpeace for your impartial #science

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  6. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    @astro(Klopp's footbo)naut

    if you are going to play the arrogant obnoxious game (a game you started) you need to be, above all, accurate in what you say <laugh>
  7. terrifictraore

    terrifictraore Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Morning sisu, what was it today, children disrespecting you leaving you feeling powerless? Anyway will leave you with this one once again.

    Any chance you could describe the cycle you claim we are in. If not, you could always ignore, dodge, post loads of other stuff, accuse me of all sorts of stuff etc.

    Either way will be fine thanks.

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  8. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I love this thread. It went from Tobe smashing facts to Prince Charles.

    My guess is it will swerve towards Jimmy Saville and the royals abusing kids soon enough <ok>
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
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  9. johnsonsbaby

    johnsonsbaby Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    I've only dipped in and out of the conversation on climate because most of it's over my head [no pun intended], and I'm not scientifically minded at all but I know you are genuinely interested in learning [so am I] - with that in mind - my naïve take on this graph is that the cycle we are in is demonstrated by the fact that it's a downward trend until 1800 from which point it starts to rise again and in 2000 we were at approximately the same temperature level as 1000. Since the graph only goes up to 2000 so we can't really tell, if the temperature since 2000 has started to flatten out then fall by up to 1 degree, we are in a cycle.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  10. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Erm...........yes <laugh>
    BBFs Unpopular View likes this.

  11. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Final chapter published in decades-long Gravity Probe B project
    Details sum up tests confirming Einstein’s general relativity
    12:30PM, NOVEMBER 24, 2015
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    TESTING EINSTEIN The Gravity Probe B mission used almost perfect spheres made of quartz to measure two predicted effects of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.


    A grueling but ultimately successful effort to test Einstein’s 100-year-old general theory of relativity has come to a close more than half a century after it began. Twenty-one papers published online November 17 in Classical and Quantum Gravity present a detailed summation of Gravity Probe B, a satellite that in 2011 confirmed Einstein’s prediction that Earth dents and whips up the spacetime around it.

    “It’s very exciting,” says principal investigator Francis Everitt of Stanford University. “It’s been quite exhausting.”

    Mission scientists managed to deliver relatively precise measurements of two general relativity phenomena despite several mishaps that threatened to render the data useless. “I think the Gravity Probe B team is the most heroic bunch of scientists I’ve ever been affiliated with,” says Peter Saulson, a physicist at Syracuse University in New York who monitored the mission as part of a NASA-organized advisory committee. Besides delivering another stamp of approval for general relativity, Gravity Probe B’s enduring legacy may be pioneering technology that enables future discoveries.

    General relativity first earned credibility through Einstein’s explanation of Mercury’s orbit and measurements of solar eclipses (SN: 10/17/15, p. 16). In the early 1960s, Everitt began a quest to test some of the theory’s harder-to-test predictions. He planned to measure how much the Earth (and by extension, all objects with mass) warps spacetime, a phenomenon known as the geodetic effect. Everitt also wanted to measure the even feebler frame-dragging effect, in which the spinning Earth should yank and twist the surrounding spacetime.

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    CURVED SPACE Because of its mass Earth warps the spacetime around it. Gyroscopes inside the Gravity Probe B satellite were able to measure two phenomena caused by this curvature.

    After many delays and false starts, Gravity Probe B was finally launched in April 2004. It tested both effects with four gyroscopes consisting of spinning quartz spheres coated with the metal niobium. Under Newton’s laws, the axis of a gyroscope totally isolated from external forces would point in the same direction forever. But because of the geodetic and frame-dragging effects, general relativity predicts that our rotating 6-septillion-kilogram planet should reorient a gyroscope’s axis ever so slightly.

    Unfortunately, eliminating outside forces is a difficult task, even in space. Researchers noticed that the ping-pong ball–sized gyroscopes were wobbling in unexpected ways. At other times the axis of a gyroscope would suddenly shift and point in a new direction. Initially, Everitt’s team didn’t know what was causing the deviations, which were tens to hundreds of times larger than the gravity-driven effects the researchers hoped to measure.

    Over five years of intense data analysis, the scientists identified issues such as electron interactions between the spheres and casings and subtracted those forces from the measurements. In May 2011, the team announced values for the geodetic and frame-dragging effects that are consistent with general relativity’s predictions (SN: 5/21/11, p. 5). Confirming frame dragging, which has been measured with great precision by only one other experiment (SN: 11/27/04, p. 348), rules out some proposed modifications of general relativity and helps physicists predict the conditions around rapidly spinning black holes. “I think we all consider the mission a success,” says John Conklin, a mission scientist and aerospace engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

    For Saulson, some of the most interesting material in the new papers discusses instrument design. That’s because the 40-kilogram quartz pendulums in his current experiment, Advanced LIGO, were built using a bonding technique developed by the Gravity Probe B team. The experiment’s two L-shaped detectors, which just started collecting data in September, are searching for gravitational waves: ripples in spacetime also predicted by Einstein’s theory.
  12. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Yes. You understand that Berkeley Earth is run by the same person whose youtube video you linked to? #ouch
  13. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Muller is a both it seems Berkely CA and Founder of BE. You are correct though.<ok> It's still a meangingless point. I gladly condede that to you <laugh>

    Now the Berkely data set, where did it come from, you never answered? Is it surface temperaruture?

    Worth noting, a whistleblower has come forward from NOAA reporting political interference in the science and the major paper Karl et al, that the IPCC is hinging all of this crap on, was rushed through under protests from scientists, and it's been picked apart since by multiple other papers.
    Pending congressional investigation atm

    So, do me a favour and cite this paper of Berkely, I want to see where they got their data, cos if they used GISS data I'll laugh in your face, that's the frauded data I've ben showing for months

    I don't want a dumbed down nat geo article ;)
  14. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    You've been calling the NASA and IPCC data a #fraud for months, and yet you cited both sources yesterday trying (and failing) to prove your point....

  15. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Meaningless that the person who you quote over "climategate" being evidence of #fraud says "yeah the email was proper dodgy, so we were really concerned, but we repeated all the analysis and have made all our data and code freely available but the result didn't change"

    Er, OK mate.
    Tobes The Grinch likes this.
  16. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    All data and source code is available on the website I sent you

    There isn't a "copy and paste for deniers" option sorry, you'll have to actually read it
    Peej likes this.
  17. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Oh BTW just a few simple ideas to throw into the mix:

    1. satellite data will show less heating because you're averaging over the entire atmosphere not just the lower part
    2. we don't live in the entire atmopshere. we live roughly at sea level, and so do glaciers etc. so that's where the changes will **** us
  18. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I dont even understand this garbage, again, not the subject, you said "it was time I proved it" several times and I proved my glacier point, when I did that, you changed to future computer models of permafrost melt <laugh>

    NASA is not an office with 10 people in it, my ire was directed at Gavid Schmidt, the one who cooks this **** up.

    But ironically, when I show data from nasa in 2012 and then the same data in 2015 and it is drastically making the past cooler, and the present a little warmer, then.. wtf are you talking about <laugh>

    NASA have changed all historical temp data for the world for the last 100+ years, they did this in 1999\2000

    I've used their own charts to show the rewriting of history.

    What have you got? Snidely ego driven moans about me <laugh>
  19. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Let me for you
    Detailed analyses of Tavg have been reported by three major teams: the National Oceanic and
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [Menne and Williams
    2005] (the NOAA average land temperature estimate can be
    downloaded at ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/anomalies/monthly.
    land.90S.90N.df_1901-2000mean.dat), the NASA Goddard
    Institute for Space Studies (GISS) [Hansen et al., 2010]
    (updated land temperature data available at data.giss.nasa.
    gov/gistemp/graphs/), and a collaboration of the Hadley
    Centre of the UK Meteorological Office with the Climate
    Research Unit of East Anglia (HadCRU) [Jones and Moberg
    2003;Brohan et al., 2005]. (Temperature data are available athttp://hadobs.metof

    Yawn, I wouldn't mind, the same paper is not backing the IPCC
    It puts the warming down to what the north atlantic is doing, decadal oscillations.


    Unless we dont have the same paper
  20. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    hahahahaha <rofl>

    He struggles with this concept, he expects you to decipher it for him, preferably with graphs (that he doesn't read the content table properly for #ouch)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
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