That poor, poor man my heart bleeds for him .... wonder what colour he's bleeding now .... Couldn't happen to a nicer person !
What I don't understand is why anyone would still want the bloke. What has he done apart from fluke a promotion with Blackpool. I keep reading "if he had stayed at Argyle where would we be now, in the prem probably" and yet there is no evidence at all to support that. Where has he ever really succeeded? What he has done is sign a contract, perform quite badly, spend a fair whack of pennies from the current clubs coffers, and generally get relegated in the end with a severance payment of quite a few bob. Would you really want that for your club? I doubt he really bleeds at all being Hollow....
He will return some were soon i suspect.. I don't think we would be in the rem if he was still here, we may have got there ... but i feel we would be in the same situation as we are in now.. we will never know now!!
Oh well, fallen of the wagon for no particular reason , may as well celebrate the 1% pay rise announced today. One all round......bugger that's two months worth of extra pay gone.
Sensible will be in for a Pasty and a pint soon.. I will they a small glass of red.. got any nice Chile red,, from the central valley .. you will be able to retire soon on that pay rise..
The Government can't afford to let him retire Joe. His pension will be greater than the Countries GDP.
Oh come on scribes, the pension (when I get it) and the interim payment is for 'long and valuable service'. The money is great but falls far short of keeping us in the way we have become accustomed to. ergo, need to get a proper job.
The one trouble with leaving school and joining (I'm guessing you might have) is that you have never known anything else. What I didn't know was what a Civvy employer wanted and it made it quite hard to start with to decide what to do. There isn't that much equivalent in a lot of branches. True story. I wanted to do something completely different so I did an EVT course with a building firm out at Stoke in what was supposed to be painting and decorating. The bloke, because he didn't have to pay me anything for work, took a bit of advantage and put me on anything and everything. I then applied for a Training Opportunities Scheme course in painting and decorating which was to be in Plympton in a sort of school place. I had to go to the Employment Exchange as it was then to take a test. When I got there a snooty woman told me I had 10 minutes to answer as many questions as I could on this "maths" test. I was parked in a room at a desk and she said go and she would come back and tell me when to stop. When I turned this paper over it was sums I would expect a 10 year old to do so I set off doing it. I literally finished in less than 5 minutes and there were 40 sums to do. She came back in to tell me it was half way to time and saw me looking out of the window. Again snooty like she asked me if I was stuck. Told her I'd finished and she looked shocked. She took my paper and disappeared only to re-appear in about 15 minutes later. She said (and I quote) "Well I don't know what to say, are you sure you want to be a painter?" Now I thought I'd well cocked up and they were trick questions or something. "No" she said "you got them all right and I can't let you do the course with that result. Most people only get between 50 and 60%". She wouldn't budge and I wasn't allowed to do the course. First time I've ever failed in my life because I got 100%. Forfunately something came up with PCC which was accounting to a point or else I might never have got a job.
Looking forward to the challenge. I am a fully qualified Charge Marine Engineer but have also added an MSc in management and an NVQ level 5 in the same subject and a few other quals added on. No idea who/if anyone one will want to employ me! I have no doubt i will be overqualified for many jobs and lack experience for many others. Just going to see what turns up!
I actually discovered that being an ex service senior rating is usefull in itself. There are a number of people out there who will be all too willing to give you a go simply through previous experience of employing ex's. You can firstly be trusted. Secondly you will get on with the job and not moan all day long. And thirdly, well there doesn't have to be one because the first two are a lot better than they can often get.
I hope you two are keeping the bar ticking over......all this talking shop.......and have I once heard a slurp or ........."same again barkeeper ,and have one for yourself"'d think this was an ex-servicemens club......and sensible had signed Lyndy in for the evening.........not even any talk of how the greens will do this weekend.............
I am rubbish at predicting how argyle(or anyone else) will do- so just thought I would talk general rubbish for a change. We did some damage to the bar last night but all fully restocked now -suns over the yardarm so time for a sneck lifter.(if you don't know what that west yorkshire expression means I can explain) .
Good start to the weekend, Newport could only manage a draw with Cheltenham. Only another 7 results to go our way and the weekend will be complete. Are you sure it isn't a shirt?
Ahem, anyone have/remember and old fashioned back gate with a horizontal bar to secure the gate (sneck) and the thumb operated lever that lifts the 'sneck' out of the securing catch. Hence the term 'sneck lifter' i.e fancy a quick pint-men would have to sneak out of the back gate and lift the sneck in order to sneak off to the pub for a swift one.