To me the best penalty takers Le Tiss and Lambert had no big secret. Hit it firm to hard in any corner and you cannot save it. Simples........although it was a good save on Saturday, he did not hit it very hard and gave the keeper a chance, who took it.
Because hitting a ball high into a corner is risky, how many times have you seen a ball fly over the bar. No, its hard in any corner and its unstoppable #letisslambert
It wasn't a great penalty but only in as much as it was relatively soft which always gives the keeper a chance if he guesses right. I used to take penalties and it is a weird thing; if you're feeling confident it seems to go in what ever you do and if you feeling uncertain it seems to get saved regardless of how you hit it. Tadic's previous penalty was worse than this one but went in. I would have thought Ward-Prowse would be a good candidate for the next one.