Let's all hope and pray, in our own way, that he pulls through. No one should be subject to the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of sport.
Ye . Phil Hughes a very sad day indeed taken from us at a far two early age playing the sport he loved R I P LAD.
Just terrible. Absolutely terrible. We never got to see him hit anything close to his prime. By all accounts, one of the nicest guys playing the game with a great attitude. RIP. Among others, please also spare a thought for the poor bowler who was just playing the game.
Can't believe this. Looked like he was going to nbe every bit a cracking player and a total freak accident has taken him. RIP Phil Thoughts to his family and, of course, not forgetting Abbott who bowled the ball at him
Very sad day indeed, he was the youngest player to score two test century's in the same test! Over in South Africa too which speaks volumes of how the lad can play.. Was odds on to be recalled for the test series against India, 63 not out brother! You won't be forgotten..
When people say things such as 'Treasure every day because tomorrow you could be gone' (or words to that effect) it usually doesn't resonate with me, they seem a bit cliché and overused in every day life. Then you see something like this happening and all of a sudden those words become heavier than ever, and you find yourself relating to them. I heard this news on the radio this morning in the way to work, and I was very sad to hear about the poor guy and his family and the bowler who'll never forget this day. RIP Phil
RIP sad news - also hope there's no do -gooder that tries to get the bowl/bouncer rules changed because of his death at the end of the day it was a freak accident
Agree but I do hope they have a look at the design of helmets though. I quit cricket at the age of 17 because I hated batting in one and they made it compulsory in what was the Durham senior league. My gripe was visibility and comfort but ive said for years why dont they change the design and have a reinforced visor instead of the grill. Something like an ice hockey helmet
So sad....just a young lad....my thoughts and prays are with the family....and the bowler.....RIP.....god bless
I played when I was a young 'un and remember getting hit in the face when batting. With no helmet on it hurt. Our wicketkeeper took one on the forehead after the bowler had bowled a batsman and the wk misjudged the ball as it sped through to him. Had a lump on his forehead half the size of a golf ball. He was lucky.
Devastating for his family. I hope the bowler, Sean Abbott's life isn't ruined by this either. He must be in a right state now, and he's going to need some support to get his career up and running again. Can you imagine what will be going on in his head the next time he runs up to the crease?