Got 2 more Gothams to watch this weekend. Also have the Jersey Boys film to watch but not sure if it's for me.
I want to watch it- but pretty much only watch TV for football- or at night with the wife before going to sleep. She went ahead and watched it without me during the day! So, she doesn't want to watch it at night now. We're stuck trying to decide on the next show to watch- so settling for Everybody Loves Raymond- which is a little cheesy and has a bloody laugh-track- but we're both "OK" with it even though neither of us are thrilled with it until we decide on something else. Working through all the old Morse films when we have more time at night (not going to bed too late).
You should do. Is it a bit mad towards the end? Yes, certainly. Do I regret watching any of it? No. I think people criticise it because it's an easy target. I really enjoyed it, despite thinking that I could have finished it better. But, then again, when do we not think we could have finished shows or movies better?!
Thought it was excellent. Neil Morrisey was superb, but not happy for someone from One Summer playing a manc
Thanks for proving my point, Stevie! Have you seen a seen a sex therapist about your obvious repression issues? One for the older ones among us, though repeats are still shown. A remake film of Dad's Army. The cast looks relatively strong, but will they all try and do impressions of the original TV series characters or interpret them themselves.
They should really stay away from this. Its a bad idea, a really bad idea. Next they'll try Fawlty Towers. Some things should be left alone.
"Charley Says... <meow meow meow>... never play with matches ... the full motion picture film" Coming to a cinema near you soon! please log in to view this image // RIP Kenny Everett!