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Lets all laugh at Rovers

Discussion in 'Swindon' started by bilko, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. bilko

    bilko Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    Well your nearly there boys in the Conference - it couldnt happen to a nicer bunch of fans to see you down there in the non- league. After all the stick you gave my club and the way you lot were when we played at your Rugby ground or so called football ground with a tent at one end.

    Bristol is thriving this season with both its clubs but you lot are by worst the most moronic bunch of fans hitting kids about 13/14 - yes thats it your so big and brave.

    Anyway not long now til you hit the dizzy heights of the conference.
  2. pirate49

    pirate49 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Haven't you got something better to do with your time out on bail?
  3. Gasheadseamge79

    Gasheadseamge79 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Go shag your mum some more :emoticon-0116-evilg here she is now ;)

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  4. bilko

    bilko Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    oh dear the Gas heads are upset never mind. Let us know how you get on against the likes of Alfreton etc and what their ground is like you never know there mind be a few people walking their dogs during the game.

    Happy Days.

    What goes around comes around and this is revenge for you lot attacking a load of young kids with their parents in one of your pubs before a game about three years ago Rovers fans between the age of 30-35 and teenage kids so brave of you.

    You deserve everything you get and couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

    There's another club in Bristol though called City you could go and watch them - oh but wait a minute there in L1 and your Conference - so you cant go.:)
  5. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    we have rules for visiting supporters on our board. you havent followed them.

    replying to your comments, you have been asked many times to stick your banter and wums on the banter thread that we have on our board. you have ignored our several requests. after ignoring our request the next stage is a warning and threat of a ban.
    you have been warned many times otherwise you will be banned from our board. you have ignored our warnings. some warnings were PMs as well which you have also ignored.
    next step is a ban from our board to follow through on our rules that we have on our board. this has now happened.

    to be fair, i have actually been more lenient towards you. i let you get away with a lot more on our board because you are from swindon. you may need help with reading and help with typing due to the amount of extra fingers you have and the pity i have for you being so ******ed. so you should be thankful that you lasted this long.

    you only have yourself to blame princess for being banned.

    now i will finish by using the words of a city fan as its a fitting way to end this....

  6. Bluebaldee

    Bluebaldee Total Git

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Have you been banned from our board bilko - really? <laugh><laugh><laugh><laugh> serves you right, you pointless little troll.

    Seriously though, what on earth is the point of posting on a football forum where no other Swindon fans post? Are you that lonely and inadequate? Or has "12-toed Sister Shagging Forum" banned you as well <laugh>

    And as for "Revenge for you lot attacking......blah blah blah" - what on earth are you talking about? If there really was such a thing as Karma then your entire cesspit of a town would have been struck by a devastating earthquake, flood and nuclear strike a long, long time ago.
  7. bilko

    bilko Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    Conference South next for you lot. Good old Darell Clarke from Wiltshire doing a great job - He's our secret agent to get you down the leagues. Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch of so called fans.
  8. gas

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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  9. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Not much of a secret agent for you is he! But you got 1 thing right, Darrell Clarke is doing a great job isnt he :)

    I find it funny that since we dropped out of the football league, we have managed to climb back to league 1 and overtake you, while doing the double on you as well. And all Swindon have done is just get worse and worse <laugh>

    Good old Darrell <laugh>

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    GreatWesternGas likes this.

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