Thanks Edge - you know I've always liked you. You speak your mind much like myself (although only on things we know about). It's good that there are honest posters like yourself on here instead of these so called "politically correct" hypocrites who want everything to fit in with their ideals and sod everyone else's opinions. If you don't agree with them then tou are hounded out of society. If only they could see that this in fact makes them intolerant fascists and totally opposed to the democratic right of freedom of speech. I trust you have a delightful weekend Edge and your life is full and enjoyable. Us simpletons need to stick together and loof after one another unlike the hypocritical fascists that pervade this site.
I remember (partly) a program by Michael Moore when he asked Falklanders if they would become Argetinian for £50. They were all up in arms. Then he went to Wales and asked the same thing. They couldn't take the cash quicly enough.
As I said before it's quite tragic that a grown man picks up on typos. That really is sad indeed. Not all of us have a friend to proof read our posts STD. And quite frankly if you get your giggles from typing mistakes then you are even more sad and pathetic than I first thought. Please revert with any hilarious typos that I may have inadvertently typed. I'm sure it will make you feel good about yourself.
Thank God you signed up to not606. This place was really missing someone with such a deep, insightful perception such as you. Well done
America would tell us where to go and quite right too since NATO can't even support America in the Middle East crisis. Personally I wish America would pull out of everywhere and become a completely insular country and let the rest of the world sort out the problems. Let's face it America (which is a very young country) is making the same mistakes that the vast majority of Europe and indeed the rest of the world have made in centuries past. America should tell the world to get lost.
I';m going to take control of this. The next person to post on typos or spelling mistakes will be stalked and killed. The Joss Stone people didn't finish the training. You think I can't find you? Ask ML11.
It wasn't the typo, it was the word loof. ps How did you manege to type an 'f' when it's nowhere near the 'k' ?
The folks there wish to remain with us. Twice we have defended them and won. The Argies only rant when they have problems within their own country. As for the choice between a good looking Argy and Mrs Thatcher I would back the defender of the weak ( compared to the argies ) against the bully any day. Not that she was always right or always wrong but in this case she was right. I took my family to the victory parade in London and am so glad that we were there.
It's ****ing ****e now. Does anyone know a forum where you can go and have a laugh (like this place used to be)? It doesn't have to be football related, just anywhere you can have a laugh rather than listen to total pricks trying to increase their self-asteem.