Do I think we will get top 4 - Good chance Do I think we will win the Prem - Probably not Do I care what Sm1thy thinks - Definitely not!!!
Lunch! Fish and Chips and peas. Very nice. Thanks Mum. But it is incredible why many here are SO keen to distance yourselves from any title talk. I think Rodgers is quite right not to dismiss it and state that Liverpool have a chance. You are only 6 points from it
11 points and 6 teams in front is difficult to make up. Only 6 points and 3 teams in front should be realistic.
A lot on here believe we have a chance but would rather play it down and see what happens. Nothing to do with having "the balls" y'cheeky ****er.
If you really believe you have a chance why hide it or play it down ? At least dave has the balls to say he believes there is a chance...
not only dave but many according to Luv... "A lot on here believe we have a chance but would rather play it down"
He never said he thought we'd win it and never quoted anyone else that does, do you work for the daily fail? They like you make stories up with non quotes.