As everyone knows i'm the most pedantic prick on these forums so I have to point out there is no such word as "Buncha", therefore it's spelling is fluid and open to interpretation. Like "Boak" and "Boke" it can be pretty much spelled anyway an individual chooses to. "Buntcha", "Bunsha" and "Buncho" (Irish version perhaps) would all have been acceptable. Therefore you were correct all along and that's maybe why he left it out.
I thought so. I was correct in my understanding of the situation and your grammar critique. As a matter of interest, have you a particular way of writing "Buncha"? I prefer Bunch O' as a homage to my Irish roots.
Ill give you a bunch o fives Dev if you keep up your racist attacks on on us paddies. To be sure to be sure.
Not racist at all my good Hash, as I said, I have Irish roots, Belfast proddy Granny on one side and a Dublin Kafflik Granny on T'other. Anyhoo, Top O The moring to ya, kiss me i'm a quarter Irish.
There was a show on the other night on Irish language channel TG4 about them Gallagher Brothers whom I know you like so much. Admittedly the main talking head on the shows was Paul Gallagher but it was a good show. It examined their relationship with their Irish heritage and **** like that. Anyway, they showed a clip for the late late show from 1995 or something where Noel Gallagher applied a different set of criteria to categorise how Irish he was. Irish parents and grandparents, yet he went for half Irish. You are applying the bloodline criteria. Made famous by African Philosopher Kwame Agadoodoo. Noel Gallagher applied a kind of half way house as used by English social analyst Samuel D Poshtwat. That is typical of you Dev. Not liking the Gallaghers just because one of them has a different notion of nationality.
They are quarter Irish at best and claiming to be half Irish just goes towards proving that they think they are better than me.
There is no such word as buncha that's true . If wee Rhebbie feels it necessary to grammatically correct one part of the post then surely he should correct the whole post . Bunch of being the appropriate syntactic alternative . As usual wee Rhebbie's pedantry was half arsed . On another note Why do you have such a negative personal perspective ? Shown here as "everybody knows i'm the most pedantic prick on these forums" This is not good Dev . You are propagating a very unfavourable countenance . This leads to others treating you in the manner we see so often in these pages . Now i have tried to champion your cause in this thread but frankly , you need to work with me on this . So no more self deprivation Mr Grumpy pants . If you don't love you no one else is likely to .
Never too sure how the parent / grandparent business works. all 4 of my grandparents were Irish and my dad was born there and my mum here. Count myself as British but suppose I'd be irish. I'm more inclined to think that whatever the Gallagher brothers consider themselves to be i'll go with the opposite
Which begs the question as to what is the opposite of half.... I'm just musing. You are what you feel.
I do love me, self deprecation is my best weapon I find. It's akin to getting my retaliation in first, stealing people's thunder as it were. To be fair though, it does not seem to stop people using the same insults time and again.
I think self deprecation is a very under rated character trait. Mind I'm a thick twat when it comes to deciding which personal qualities are good or bad.