Reported by Echo that an application for 6 new pitches and a dome is awaiting council approval...expected to go ahead. Not sure that this is a further extension...may just be ratifying previous plans. I know that the original plan was to keep the old dome, but this was discovered to be substandard (this caused the widely reported delay in building work which had everyone running around like headless chickens).
Typical of the last regime that they would put up a dome that was so tight to the wire in quality terms that it doesn't make the grade now, only a decade or so later.
Permission has been granted this afternoon. Saints have been given permission to use the site, owned by Simon Barker of Longdown Management Ltd, Marchwood - for a 'temporary' period of five years.
Probably the same relative of our beloved ex-chairman who did all the substandard fitting out of St Mary's too. Funny handshake gang rules ok.
Surely there's a option to buy the land at the end of the lease depending on what situation the club is in
I suppose that's open to countless possibilities. Maybe the club or Cortese have plans to move some of the facilities by then, or some such idea.
Strictly for ducks, and swans at a push, maybe newts and frogs, but definitely, no fish, especially the bottom feeder kind. However ther could be another reason.
Talking about the pond, it looks like it is going to be created. Looking at Google Maps, there isn't one there already. Perhaps they're going to stock it, so the lads can have some fishing downtime.