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Even Soccernet blog writers know Pardew's excuses!!!!Take a look

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by abc CissesCurriedGoat abc, Sep 3, 2013.

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  1. abc CissesCurriedGoat abc

    abc CissesCurriedGoat abc Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I'm as shocked as I am laughing at this.

    Newcastle deadline day (warning: may contain sarcasm)
    Posted by Marc Duffy

    09:00 Despite having been awake for hours courtesy of my youngest child, this is the first time I dare peek at the football news. Then again, there was no danger anything will have happened before now -- it's too early in the day for Newcastle to play the "we just didn't have time to replace him" card.

    "Morning Alex, it's Joe........ Joe Kinnear, you know, I used to manage Wimbledon?........ Listen, do you fancy buying Yohan Kebab?........ What do you mean you're not their manager anymore?"

    10:00 Sky Sports News claim that Newcastle have made an enquiry for Tom Ince. Can't see that one -- he's English AND he'd cost quite a lot of money.

    10:46 A national sports radio station’s north east correspondent reports that "It's going to be a fascinating day up here," and closes the same report with "I don't think we will see anyone go or indeed anyone come in." Yes, fascinating.

    11:00 As Joe Kinnear reached the fourth tee at his local golf club, Alan Pardew sits in his office drafting tomorrow's excuses for the fans including "Mike and Joe worked hard but just couldn't get them over the line", "This club won't be held to ransom", "We have a strong group of players" and "The supporters need to be realistic". Probably.

    12:36 Nothing. Even Arsenal look like they'll be spending some money, but not Newcastle. Perry Groves says that he spoke to Joe Kinnear who claimed that agents have ruined deals the club lined up. Another excuse to tick off. Groves also told Newcastle fans they should be "careful what they wish for" after they signed "Isco" this time five years ago.

    14:19 Newcastle are finally linked with a signing and, wait for it........ It's Jonathan Bond -- Watford's reserve goalkeeper. The St James' Park ticket office phone lines will be jammed with supporters frantically scrambling for season tickets.

    "Hello Blackpool it's six-time manager of the year winner Joe Kinnear. I'd like to enquire about young Tom Ince. Is he well?.......... Glad to hear it. Goodbye."

    15:10 Football agent Seb Ewen told TalkSport that two English clubs bid 12 million euros for Bafetimbi Gomis, the player held out for Newcastle but they wouldn't go that high.

    - Report: Newcastle target Gomis set for Lyon stay

    18:00 A pretend Telegraph journalist who supports Arsenal tweets that 'There is big, big news coming up for Newcastle fans'. Personally, I'm sceptical. And hungry. Very hungry. I should probably leave Twitter and various football sites and get some food -- it's not as if I'm going to miss anything.

    I wonder what Shefki Kuqi is up to these days? He's at Hibs, so that rules him out.

    I tell you what, deadline day was better when teletext was one of the only ways to find out about comings and goings. These days of numerous transfer mongering websites and social media 'ITKs', not to mention Jim White, make it an awful experience for supporters of a club with no ambition.

    18:32 Minutes after writing that a Twitter account with 32,000 followers claims Liverpool have rekindled their interest in Hatem Ben Arfa. Nah, that won't happen.

    21:13 Everton and West Brom apparently battling it out to land Romelu Lukaku on loan -- what a great addition he'd be for Newcastle. Unfortunately his surname contains too many syllables for Kinnear.

    22:22 Newcastle have done it! A big signi.... My wife wakes me up. I'd nodded off at another of Niall Quinn's "when I was at Sunderland" yarns on Sky Sports News. 38 minutes to go.

    22:26 Mesut Ozil confirms his Arsenal move having held out until half an hour before the deadline waiting for that call from Kinnear. Possibly.

    23:00 And that's it. Nothing. Zip. Nada. No surprise.

    Last season's 16th paced team end the summer transfer window as the only club in the league not to pay for a permanent signing and several squad players have left the club. A squad thin on quality remains so -- let's hope Papiss Cisse doesn't pick up an injury any time soon.

    Surely even the few pro-Ashley supporters must be questioning his motives and ambitions now? Ashley likes to gamble and this is another one he could well lose.
  2. bishbosh

    bishbosh Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    ****ing massive gamble - I hope he loses it.
    The only way out of this **** is back to back relegations. Lose millions in revenue and then hopefully the greedy fat **** will sell us for a cut price deal. I really can't see any other way, I really can't!
    We're a ****ing joke of a club. A ****ing laughing stock. MA needs to **** off now! I've had enough! I'm absolutely livid!
  3. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Mate, if you're hoping for back to back relegations you've lost the plot
  4. bishbosh

    bishbosh Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    You think so Freddd? Like I said, I can't see another way out can you?
  5. Heed

    Heed well known cheat

    Jun 17, 2011
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    One thing for certain, relegation to the championship followed by division one is the not the answer.
    What do you seriously think would happen?
  6. Keith Fit

    Keith Fit Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Time and patience is a preferable route to relegation, I reckon. He's on his way, trust me.

    If we do get relegated, where do you think the money would come from to repay the fat lunatic? Firesale doesn't come close. We'd be starting 2014/15 with nothing but loan signings, Jimmy Bullard and Steve Claridge.
  7. Maximin Effort

    Maximin Effort Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Who else could we need?

    I do agree though. Disappointing as this window has been, I'm not willing to write us off. We have a strong core group of 14-16 players plus some decent young backups with the likes of Dummet, Haidara & Campbell etc.
    Doing basically the same amount of business this window doesn't mean we will be as poor this season as last, in fact I'd be astounded if we were. relegation is not the answer with the players we have unlike the Owen days when the firesale was actually helpful.
    Yes we all want ambition and to be able to fight for 6th+ which means 2x quality players in every position which the business model doesn't account for. However the sooner Mike gets his money back, the sooner he swans off to Rangers to ruin their lives instead of ours.
  8. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    We're not going to be relegated, signing a lot of players doesn't determine the league positions on clubs. Man City last season signed a few players, Man Utd signed one, and that one won them the league.

    I'd like to point out, or buddy's down the road, have made a couple signings. And we're having the better start! We've got Remy all season, and will probably sign him at the end of it. That's a skilled striker who can score. Stop panicing!
  9. abc CissesCurriedGoat abc

    abc CissesCurriedGoat abc Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Ok if as u said that's so so be it fine.

    Then why go to the extent of leading the fans on about signings coming in? Judge me on my signings? Looking to bring in 1 key signing? All that crap? What for?
  10. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    You're referring to Joe Kinnear like I'm either his spoke person, or defence attorney.

    I'm stating that the club will not be relegated despite what a lot of fans seem to be saying on here, that isn't me defending Joe Kinnear for his blatant lies. Or are you claiming that Joe Kinnear said all that because he felt we where relegation fodder and we needed them desprately but couldn't be bothered to actually do it?

    Personally I see his statements nothing more than him distracting people from the fact he is probably the most hated chairman coming into the club in a very very long time. Not him saying it because we're in dire straights.

  11. MattNUFC

    MattNUFC Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Judge him on his signings, does this count if he only signed one player?
  12. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    not a proper signing, so ye shall not judge him!
  13. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    I think he's hoping that if he does nothing then there will be no ammunition for us to use against him

    It certainly is a baffling summer
  14. Agent Bruce

    Agent Bruce Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    A disappointing one
  15. abc CissesCurriedGoat abc

    abc CissesCurriedGoat abc Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    No worries mate. It was just me venting on Kinnear and his hopelessness.

    But my point was really that if you are saying that teams can survive on low number of signings, then the club should not have promised us that we were looking into signing players (and then fail at them epicly)

    This was from Pardew's interview about Joe Kinnear: It’s obvious at the moment that we need a player or two and hopefully he can do that.

    Yes we have had the better start than Sunderland, but can we not pick out one specific club and compare with them? If we want to compare, we should compare towards the good clubs, not the bad ones. Besides, our backups are still made up of Sholas , Willos and Obertans, it's still scary.
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