Duberry has joined on a 2 year deal I'm really not sure about this signing, only time will tell I suppose http://www.oufc.co.uk/page/News/0,,10342~2370045,00.html
50p head! considering he played in the prem, he was awful when he palyed for us, i dont wish him on anyone!
Certainly Worley was played when he was not up to it yet, still think he's one for the future. I am sitting on the fence with Duberry, he certainly has the pedigree, but you need to weigh it up against his time at Wycombe where to say the least, he was not a success. Anyway, he's signed so good luck to him and lets hope he does sort the defence out. Can we just get an experienced keeper now, not a young backup for Clarke, just to keep him on his toes if nothing else. Not too unhappy that Maclean has not signed, impressive at first but then pretty run of the mill, without scoring goals !.
I totally agree Dillbert, Duberry certainly brings a wealth of experience which is something we were lacking last season. I think we need another midfielder as well as another keeper. McClean was a funny one, I couldn't believe our luck when we first got him but then he just seemed to lose interest
afternoon lads i just want to say i feel sorry for you lot dubes was terrible for us,when he first signed i thought to myself what a great signing ,how wrong could i be ,he didnt give a damn about the club the fans and had no problem picking up his wages when not playing ,his attitude was all wrong,sorry to be the bearer of bad news but he is a mercenary who only comes to get the money to fill his sports car up.worst defender at wycombe for years.
Rocky I couldn't agree with you more. I might dust my boots off as I can do a better job than what dubbery did for us. The other thing is there is a massive difference in standard of the spl and all English leagues. Think of when we signed John Sutton ! Scored loads of goals up there was shocking down here went back and was scoring again. Feel for you Oxford it's a poor signing and even worse on a two year deal. Waddock even named 6 subs in one game so he didn't he to include dubbery in the squad !
Duberry's heading is so bad comparing him to a 50p is disrespectful to the coin. Also, I hope a zimmer frame came included with the transfer fee as I doubt he could stand up for 90 minutes anymore.
In a word mate, yes. We were well excited when he joined... it wore off very quickly. Good luck, you are going to need it now.
Like to hear from St Johnstone fans about Dubbery. When he was at Wycombe the rest of the defence was awful as well. Still think it's a good signing.
He was without doubt the weakest defender we had ! Costly errors , shocking passing and the pace of an unfit slug. You will all see these wonderful attributes he brings to a football team.
Wycombe Fan in peace. Steve 263 - If you are waiting for St Johnstone fans, you might be here a while Seriously though, Duberry is a liability. I was really encouraged when we signed him - Champions League semi finalist, Leeds and Chelsea stalwart. Dont be fooled, we were.
waddock done the best thing and dropped him from the first team squad altogether,the man is a joke considering his vast experience in the big time.
Blimey. all these negative comments from Wycombe fans, I'm beginning to think we might only finish runners up this year !!. Come on lets wait for a few games and then make up our minds. I'm not saying it's sour grapes from the Wycombe fans, because I'm related to one of their season tickets holders and I remember him slating Dubery at the time. But you never know....it could just have been a blip in his career.. Give it to November and then lets decide is he the man for us.
Worley is are Young player of the year.... we should be supporting are young players and not giving them sick! Duberry will be good for are Young promising defender. good luck to the lad.
Worley is a professional footballer not a youth academy player, Iâm willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, and the write off the occasional shocker. But he is paid to give everything for the full 90 minutes or more. Too many times heâs not tracked backed, challenged for the ball or just cleared the line when needed. Maybe the new players will make him play to his true potential rather than coasting, but the club needs players who will drive this club into the First Division not to show up and collect a pay check. For me Hall is another that drastically needs to improve on consistency and effort to retain a place in the starting 11!