I know what you mean, you get the feeling he is taking the piss out of anyone reading it, that's why I spelt his name wrong to get my own back.
That's the most pointless player profile Ive ever read. I'd question why they've published this, it's only detrimental to him.
Haha made me smile did that. Better than the usual Nandos, Fifa etc. A bit of personality is refreshing. I met him on the train back from the Ipswich game, he seemed a genuinely nice fella to me.
Better than the usual nonsense in player profiles. For starters who doesn't hold DQPR Loftus Road ground as a favourite ? lol.
The whole thing was clearly sarcastic but unfortunately that doesn't come across half as funny as it would if he was on video.
Jesus there are some miserable tossers out there. Obviously some of the other players told him to do it for a laugh or answered his questions for him. Lighten up.
umm should say............as long as he scores with the odd ball i dont give a ****. ahh thats better.