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Help for heroes

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by typical, May 22, 2013.

  1. typical

    typical Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    I can't let todays event go by without registering my utter disgust and anger at the barbaric killing of the young lad in my birthplace and the place i grew up.

    Perhaps, when the help for heroes website is up and running again cafc fans can get themselves a t shirt and wear it to our first home game. It's being put around on football and cafc websites right now to buy a t shirt and show support in a peaceful democratic way. Apparently, the HFH site has been inundated with sales in the last three hours and has crashed.
  2. Tewkesbury Addick

    Tewkesbury Addick Active Member

    May 8, 2011
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    This is a splendid idea. <ok>
  3. Scratchingvalleycat

    Scratchingvalleycat Active Member

    Feb 6, 2011
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    Definitely support that. Perhaps our shirt sponsors for next year will agree to the team wearing the logo on the shirt for that first match as well.
    This has happened in our community and our community based club needsto show that whatever our creed colour or race we stand together against this crazy act.
    We mustnt let this get hijacked by extremists of any group and the way for that to happen is to have a community lead by a respected local group. We've got the award now is the time to show why we've earned it.
  4. dick plumb

    dick plumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Well done Typical,fine words.I will buy a t shirt as soon as I can.I feel physically sick at today's events and I can't get my head around the level of senseless violence involved.These people are scum and my thoughts are extended to the family and friends of the victim.
  5. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    My brother was called to the scene. He was in bits trying to discuss the wait for back up and having to feel powerless whilst watching them parade around.

    CAFC TED Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2011
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    Very nice idea Typical.

    Don't want this to look light hearted and all but when I first saw this I was like, "Typical is born in Afghanistan" before my brain went, oh year was in Woolwich that attack
  7. typical

    typical Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    It would be totally insensitive and morally wrong for this club not to show some sort of respect and tribute to this poor kid who lived amongst us. He was in our patch, on our streets and formed part of our community. It also could have happened to you.

    The club allows our club badge to be worn and merged with anti-racism groups, so we have a precedent that the club can't deny and a simple gesture along those lines for the first home game would be the least the club could do. We must lead the charge here and do something, other clubs would do the same, and we owe it to the barracks up the road, to show them our support.

    The help for heroes T shirt site is still down, so that gives us approx. 90 days to get our T shirt and organise ourselves.

    Just a T shirt and 60 seconds of silence. This kid deserves that.
  8. OzAddick

    OzAddick Member

    May 8, 2011
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    Whats everyones first feeling regarding this event that happened ? I feel instant anger, I was polarised when I first saw this on the internet and what exactly had happened. How can countries (mine too) let this happen, the reasons are staring them in the face but things are getting worse and worse literally and for a fact.
    Whats the latest on the two in hospital ? Certain to live ? If yes, then how long will it take to sentence them , 12-18 months at the least seems standard for atrocities done.
    Unbelievable, this type of thing happening in the world today ignites me inside and makes you think their is no way back to a better world ever again.

    The same happens here in that when someone is or has been physically attacked, however brutal or clearly about to die, people pull their mobile phones out and record as opposed to getting involved as a group.

    Sorry guys if its an inappropriate rant, Typicals cause and efforts are agreed with here, I just wish I had the ability to change it all, feel sick. Imagine the whirlwind moments as it unfolded and what that guy would have been thinking. It's devastating and makes you question everything.

  9. haysey addick

    haysey addick Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Couldn't have said it any better oz.
    The poor blokes been butchered in the street, and people's first reaction is to "interview" the killers and post the pictures on of him lying dead on the net! Whilst I do get this will all help in the eventual trial but I just wouldn't be able to stand around with my phone out.
    Something similar happened to me in lislington high street 5-6 years ago, some poor soul had been run over and was dying in the street whilst the ambulance crew were trying in vain to rescue them. My instant reaction was to walk the other way and let them do there job but was shocked see so much of the crowd taking pictures of it...
  10. CAFC Room101

    CAFC Room101 Member

    May 11, 2011
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    The muderers wanted people to film them and take photos, and if somone with a meat cleaver/gun/machete asks me to film them I'm probably going to do it. I also believe they said no men could come close so some very brave women stood over the body protecting it.

  11. OzAddick

    OzAddick Member

    May 8, 2011
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    Your missing the point/s......
  12. CAFC Room101

    CAFC Room101 Member

    May 11, 2011
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    Ok what points am I missing? I was just focusing on one point which was this one you made;

    The same happens here in that when someone is or has been physically attacked, however brutal or clearly about to die, people pull their mobile phones out and record as opposed to getting involved as a group.

    And while I'm sure there was an element of this I still felt the need to defend at least some of those poor onlookers who saw someone butchard on the street in front of them, which would have been hugely intimidating, while getting involved as a group may be something preferable to you it would have only resulted in more violence and probably death. Most of us would like to think we'd be able to stand up in hard situations like this and be counted, If I'd just seen someone hack a mans head off in the street I would most probably be ****ting myself and either in full flight mode or paralyzed.
  13. IA

    IA Active Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Awful tragedy, my thoughts go out to his family.

  14. typical

    typical Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    I don't know the odd MO that your talking about although h4h has acquired a large country house that is now converted into a hospital and accommodation for relatives of the injured while they recover. Not an overindulgence in my eyes.

    The real problem with deciding what charities to donate can be seen on other sites. Everyone can't agree on a charity and fundraising and the smug and the pedantic show their true pettiness in silly arguments. I think it is an easy choice for me. The biggest f..k off I can deliver is to wear a shirt that the good believed in and the evil dispised. A message of hope on a t shirt cost that kid his life. For me wearing that shirt in his honour will be my kick in the balls to what ever subspecies those animals belong to. Although I do agree anyway of giving his widow and child funds it would be churlish to ignore.

    In answer to an earlier question. The two will live. They will have a trial in around 6 months time, they will go through a committal hearing, and will plead not guilty allowing themselves another oppourtunity to spout their evil rhetoric in a public courtroom, under recent legislation the courts can now and will possibly have the proceedings heard in private and ban all public and reporting. The trial will last 3 weeks and cost about 1.3 million pounds. The two will be locked up in Belmarsh in a special wing at a cost of 110, 000 each per Year (prisoncostsdirect gov.uk) If your times that by 40 it will give you an idea what it costs to the tax payer.

    I have no idea why people video tragic events, the voyeuristic nature of humans is insatiable but to watch two khat chewing mongrels butcher a human being baffles even me. I don't know what I would have done in that position but I would not have got me camera out.
  15. IA

    IA Active Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Just read that Lee Rigby was wearing a HFH t-shirt at the time. Earlier comment edited. No offence intended, hopefully none taken
  16. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    Agree with most of what's been said on here. Could'nt believe my eyes when the news came on TV and there's this guy with a machete explaining his reasoning for butchering someone in cold blood, with the body lying on the road behind. Sickening images really. I was'nt much more impressed by the footage of the English Defence League organising a riot of sorts afterwards. I though the family were very dignified on the TV afterwards, but it must be terrible to lose a son /brother/husband in such pointless butchery by a couple of religious nutters.
    Sorry Typical, but justice does'nt come cheap no matter how you rig it. I can't bring up a website and figures, but it's been calculated how much death sentances cost the taxpayer in the USA and the cost is way up in the millions. I'm not a fan of capital punishment as it's a bit hard to correct a miscarriage of justice when you've killed the victim, but they can throw the key away for these two as far as I'm concerned.
  17. typical

    typical Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Ken, this involves no miscarriage, the phone footage may serve a purpose after all. It is the jury and the judge, it is beyond all reasonable doubt. If they truly believe in an eye for an eye then let them have it
  18. OzAddick

    OzAddick Member

    May 8, 2011
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    I will never dive into the video footage is essential to the ultimate sentencing, because all that is needed is one video, then the remaining 20/30 or so can lend assistance, we don't need 54 views from all over the street.

    I'll buy the same t-shirt your buying Typical, please and with pride. Let me know if it is possible.

    CafRoom, yeah I know when it comes to it and if you or I was right in the middle it would be hard to step in, but this reasoning is losing out to people like this, who step in and take out innocents to try and prove points which don't have any substance. I can't believe I am living in a world where a man (serving man at that) has been taken down from behind and medieval style hacked up in the street of a major city and the way society is forming it means it is allowed to play through.

    He may well have already been on his way out after being run down with a car, but if the twenty or thirty able male bystanders rush the two attackers that is a huge statement in itself and it would change the future.

    The cost and the 'right' to live for a clear guilty person is a disgrace to many western countries so called justice system.
    Eye for an eye, justice, consequence - they all appear to be slowly vacating the vocabulary/language.

    May be going off track and dribbling. Apologies guys. Takes you right away from 1-1 with 2 minutes to go at home to Millwall doesn't it..............
  19. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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  20. Scratchingvalleycat

    Scratchingvalleycat Active Member

    Feb 6, 2011
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    I know that i rambled on about the CAFC trust doing something to help heal the local community and whilst i am totally in support of us all wearing help for heros t shirts to the first home game i wonder if more could be done.
    I am a season ticket holder and will receive two free tickets this year from the club to use as I please. I would like the trust to use these 2 free tickets to invite one member of the woolwich garrison and one member of the local islamic community to a match.

    this would use the tickets to promote a sense of community.

    I would also support an idea where a season ticket holder who cant make a match (working away mid weeks are a definite no no most of the time), can let the trust know by email in advance, using their red card no ~ which can then be confirmed by email, and the ticket can then be used in the same way. This costs me as a season ticket holder nothing but would not only provide for bigger (real ) attendances but boost the catering sales etc.
    Just a thought but one that i would happily carry through. Any members of the trust on here?

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