Well there is your problem then. Never expect anything in football. You will have a happier and longer life. No thanks needed.
Unfortunately, any criticism I make of the team is always met with posts along the lines of "**** off, you're **** not the team", and so my debating skills have to be put to one side
It sounds like we are only slightly better. It seems like Elmo, Meyler and Koren are having terrible times with their passing.
It's not a problem, as a football fan I expect the best from a team of PROFESSIONALS, if you go into a football game with an attitude thinking you won't win, you might as well go back home.
Thanks. Its hard to tell from BBC updates. It's a shame this thread is totally derailed and got nothing to do with the game
They've had 4 shots and scored 3, we've had 3 shots and scored nowt. Basically the first eight minutes were just a freak and anyone who claims it makes us a bad team is talking out of their arse.
Yeah thought it sounded like just a one-off bad start, like I say these things happen. Now to brace myself for Burns and Swans 'commentary'