No date for the 2nd season yet, probably a summer release. Dishonoured is good, I don’t like the stealthy parts of the game though. On the Decision front they make a big difference and you carry them choices into the next season!
Due out in April looking forward to it, from the talk sounds a bit Mass Effect in the Star Trek Universe
Almost done Farcry 3 now just have 6 main mssions left done all the little side missions great value for money with over 40 hours of gameplay so far.
Yeah, fantastic game. Gonna replay it which I rarely do with games. Most looking forward to Grid 2 this year.
Still not got around to playing Far Cry 3 yet, Finished Dishonoured was a good game, almost finished Silent hill so will start far cry next
I do most but don't worry about it if I cant do something, I play for fun not the challenge so I tend to play on a normal setting and never on hard or above.
My eyesight has taken a big turn for the worse in the last 12 months or so, and I can’t play games anywhere close to as well as I could. So it’s the easy setting for me!
Beat Assassins Creed 3 the other day. Going to go back and get 100% on all the missions eventually... eventually.
Ok so i started a new game in Skyrim going to play an Archer this time. Any tips? Edit Also anyone playing CM2013 Mobile any tips for the Liverpool squad?
Ive just procured assassins creed 3. Got a bit bored of skyrim. all i find myself doing is trying to find a fit bird to marry then kill.
Red Orchastra 2 is a great game better than that call of duty ****e. Also tiger woods 08 old pc game but still great you can still play online via gameranger. Starters orders 5 great horse racing game. 8 Ball club free online pool game
Just got my Gtx 660sc. I didn't want to start on any of the games that came out in 2012 and late 11, simply because I'm obsessed about graphics, So was just biding my time till i get a decent card. Now that i did, can't wait to get started on AC3 and BF3.
Can you actually kill your wife's? I know some npc's don't actually die. Well now that I think about it I've killed Lydia before on accident. Was too focused on slaughtering all of the bandits as a werewolf and then looted her and was like oh ****. She can't die unless you kill her, so i suppose you could kill all your wives.
Lydia is too ugly to marry.. The first bird you get given was better but she got killed.. I shed a few tears.