Calendar Australia - Albert Park France - Magny Cours Italy - Monza Germany - Nurburgring Monaco - Monte Carlo Great Britain - Silverstone Austria - Zeltweg Belgium - Spa Canada - Circuit de Gilles Villeneuve Brazil - Interlagos Driver's Championship please log in to view this image Constructor's Championship please log in to view this image Graph please log in to view this image Graph of top 5 please log in to view this image RoadRunner wins it if he's on the podium, some complicated maths also involved which I may do later. IMPORTANT BIT When I post START, do not post in this thread, instead send me a PM saying finish Also, don't post on here until an hour after the START, to keeo it tense The race will start sometime on Wednesday, probably afternoon/evening. Will not be more specific so keep watchful!
For those thinking the c'ship is over, you're very wrong! Afternoon/evening means anywhere between 3-8am here. And I just got my holiday sleeping schedule back into line! It also doesn't bode well that the only others to win races are those within 25 points of me! BLS, EB, Fred! and DHC's championship to lose.
I know we shouldnt be posting but I am at college Wednesday's until half 4 and it takes 2 hours on a dry hot day to get back.. and it's proper bad snow here right now, so I probably wont be back until about 7/8! BLS/EB/DHC's to lose.. And somehow they are the only mods!! Cheaters!
Sorry, Paco. I forgot all about this game. I haven't paid much attention to F1 over the winter and hence haven't visited the forum much.
Implications for me: - If BLS/EB win I need to finish 3rd or higher - If DHC wins I need to finish 5th or higher - If di Fredsta! wins I need to finish 6th or higher - Someone needs to finish on the podium to challenge me Let the bribery begin!
If any of us championship contenders win apart from RR we're guaranteed 2nd too. That's actually quite amazing.