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2nd Anniversary

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    We are nearing the 2nd anniversary of our takeover by Slate/TJ and the rest (there are others, right?). In that time we've had squad overhauls, £5 matches, sell out crowds, promotions, new management team, premier league quality signings (generous?), boardroom bust ups, sackings behind the scenes, talk of administration and recently some decent performances on the pitch.

    I just wondered what we all thought of their tenure whilst with us. It appears we will have a new hierarchy within the next couple of weeks, so how will we remember this period in our history?

    Will it be favourable? will it be a question of 'what if?', had the main backer not withdrew funds for CP in the summer? Or perhaps you never trusted them and thought it was justified when senior personnel started leaving the club after years of service?

    If I was going to rate them on a scale of 1-10 then I'd give them a solid 8/10. They came in at a difficult time in our history with administration (genuine administration, not rumours) looming, an awful squad of players - many of whom on short term contracts, and turned it around by bringing stability to that side of the club. 3 year deals and transfer wages were something we could have only dreamed of a year previously. The return of a club legend, and backing him when it wasn't going his way was another couple of decisions they got right, and he repaid their faith by bringing them 101 points and the League One title.

    The summer gone might not have seen us make the moves in the transfer market we all thought we would, but we resisted Premier League money on deadline day for a pivotal player, knowing full well we might not have been able to bring in adequate replacements. Some say it was greed that stopped the deal - I think it was trying to do right by CP, CAFC and it's fans.

    If this is the last hurrah for the current board, then I think they can leave with their head held high and I will always thank them for what they did. We got our Charlton back.
  2. ForestHillBilly

    ForestHillBilly Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Very well put.
  3. typical

    typical Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Good post.

    This board have been outstanding in the most understated yet professional way. Good on them and for getting rid of the leech who is left to wallow in his own self importance on another forum was perhaps the most satisfying bit of business.
  4. WWOCB

    WWOCB Active Member

    May 3, 2011
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    + Sacked a manager who (despite his many positive aspects) was identified by fans as being part of the regime which contributed to our clubs severe decline.
    + Put their faith in a club legend as manager (who had very little previous experience)
    + Backed said manager in the transfer market allowing for us to radically overhaul our squad
    + Brought back the big screen
    + Brought back the 'Charlton feel' to the club
    + Their appointment of CP (and warranting him freedom in the transfer market) lead to one of the most successful seasons in Charlton history, breaking countless records along the way.
    + Numerous initiatives to reward fans and broaden our fanbase
    + Invested heavily in our academy

    - Not much communication with fans (not necessarily a bad thing)

    I won't count the 'boardroom troubles' in this, because firstly they're unproven, and secondly all the premonitions of doom and gloom haven't come true. We're where we hoped to be in the table and in reality, what we see 'on the pitch' is what really matters.

    I also won't hold the apparant lack of funds in the summer against them - we've signed Wilson who is class, Ricardo Fuller (who despite spending more time in the treatment room than I spend in the bog) is a very attractive acquisition, Dervite is decent. Kerkar is ****e, but we seem to have beaten off a fair bit of competition to sign him. Yet to see much of Button but he's highly rated. Frimpong too is class......in short money doesn't buy you success, I'd rather get Fuller on a freebie than **** away £2million on Izale McLeod.
  5. Tewkesbury Addick

    Tewkesbury Addick Active Member

    May 8, 2011
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    Wouldn't disagree with any of that, Super. <ok>
  6. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    but what about the chicken curry pies!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want my pie back <cry>
  7. WWOCB

    WWOCB Active Member

    May 3, 2011
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    Sack the board, sack the board, sack the board! :emoticon-0159-music

    Blackburn fans can moan about the Venky's all they want, but I bet they get a bloody good Chicken Curry pie at half time!
  8. dick plumb

    dick plumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Good,well balanced post Super.I thank the board for backing Powell in the transfer market.If no new buyer was found we would probably have gone into Administration.What I don't thank the board for is losing real Charlton people in Reg Varney,Wendy Perfect,Steve Kavanagh(even though he didn't start out as a Charlton supporter) and Typicals favourite Rick Everitt.

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