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Bigirimana Interview

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by G4rdToonArmy, Oct 3, 2012.

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  1. jimileysbaldhead

    jimileysbaldhead Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I used to believe in God until I went to Sunderland for the first time and thought " the whole theory is flawed because no bugger would have created this and then reflected how pleased he was "

    I then became a Quaker....knock on a few doors then back home for me oats.
  2. Colin Sharpe

    Colin Sharpe Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    lol, indeed - the universal forces of nature don't always create things of great beauty - they are certainly uncaring and 5under1and is the proof !
  3. Viceroy

    Viceroy Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    Ive been thinking that myself...It appears religion aint so bad... every religious person I know is happy and kind.
  4. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Right, so far the complexity of the universe has been cited for and against the existence of God.

    The theory you propond is essentially to solve one mystery by creating another. The universe is complex and we can't fully explain why it is the way it is. You certainly can tender the explanation that it's like this because god (however you wish to describe him/it) made it this way. That really just raises the questions: who is this god bloke, what made him and why is he the way he is ?

    Creating 3 unanswerable question to solve one very difficult question isn't what I would call progress
  5. Viceroy

    Viceroy Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    Best post I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!

    Warm Pouch has fallen into the trap of sneering from ignorance.

    Lol at the "I disagree" retort, It is impossible to either prove or disprove the existence of God through science, or even give a hint one way or the other.

    What part of that can't you grasp? don't so ignorant you miscreant.
  6. Viceroy

    Viceroy Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    YOU HERO, I wish everyone was as fair and balanced as you. Reading this made me smile.
  7. Viceroy

    Viceroy Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    oh my ****ing god!!!!!!!!!! Amazing comments

    jizzz everywhere

    rep everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    How are things up there in your ivory tower? Thankfully Freddd can have a difference of opinion with someone without behaving like an absolute twat. now run along you little runt.
  9. Viceroy

    Viceroy Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    But the only reason we are even having this exchange is YOUR initial closed minded ivory tower attitude.

    Don't be a dick if you can't handle being treated as such.
  10. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    <laugh> I'd probably edge away from the teachings being only being "holy books" as teachings can take many formats. Generally though you understand mine and many others standpoint. I always find it interesting to read a scientists (particularly a physicist) thoughts on these matters. Many believe that a scientist will automatically feel religion or belief in greater beings is absolute nonsense. However what you actually find is that its a pretty even split because they understand better than anyone that our knowledge does not expand far enough to give definitive answers.

    I think what many people miss (like Viceroy) is that essentially you cannot be right or wrong on this subject. you can merely choose a standpoint and then advise why you feel that way. We could pick holes in each others standpoint all day long, but can do it respectfully. And we can do it full in the knowledge that we cannot actually be wrong because nobody knows!

  11. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Now now you just go **** yourself (we have no evidence whether this is possible or not but I'd like you to try). Don't intervene in other peoples discussions if you are only going to be a cock end about it. Its likely that they will tell you you're a cockend afterall.

    Close minded? The irony is amusing. You seem to have a problem with people who think religion is a load of bullshit. Whereas I have no problem with people who think religion is not a pile of bullshit and have said as much. You probably need to gain an understanding of what closed minded means before commenting further.

    I am more than happy having pleasant discussions with rational people like Fredd regardless whther we have different standpoints. Its called being a grown up, you might get there eventually.
  12. Viceroy

    Viceroy Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    I have a problem with blind ignorance, that is all. If you offered a well considered viewpoint then that's fine but saying stuff such as...

    " I find the whole subject of god a bit laughable given what we know in terms of science", it's just incredibly ignorant, science doesn't disprove a higher creating force, disregard religion, I am merely talking about the concept of a higher level of creating force, it could be an undercurrent that pervades through all reality, it is impossible to define. I am not saying God exists or doesn't exist, I am agnostic and rational, but you cant claim to be scientific and then just completely disregard rationale... it's counter productive and so infuriatingly haughty that I couldn't resist commenting on it. Dont you realise how frustrating it is when people act like they are rational when they are forming their entire view on a false pretence? Believe what you want just try to be less childish about it.

    Also you said "I think what many people miss (like Viceroy) is that essentially you cannot be right or wrong on this subject. " which made me laugh as I haven't missed that at all, that is my entire point, it is impossible to know whether we are right or wrong so it makes sense to be open regarding the issue. YOU are the one that immediately closed off your viewpoint "Not getting into this. Lets just say I disagree! ". Don't you realise how that comes across? Fredd responded with a very solid response and you batted it off like it was irrelevant, it wasn't an opinion... he was correcting your misconception.

    You are basically a massive hypocrite without realising and now you have got your panties in a twist because you haven't been able to wriggle out of it and you even contradicted yourself...

    Grown up? I think you have a lot of growing up to do yourself.
  13. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I'm not reading all that bollocks, you've already proven yourself to be a twat so I don't need further evidence. Keep your nose out of others conversations if you don't like the content.
  14. jimileysbaldhead

    jimileysbaldhead Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    " May your God go with you "
  15. Freddd

    Freddd Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I'll leave you and Viceroy to settle your differences.

    The point you make about the frequency of religious beleif amongst physicists because they understand just how hard the universe is to understand is interesting. My own comment would be that there is no real reason to beleive that the universe should be something we're capable of understanding.

    Our brains evolved (I'm just going to treat evolution as a given) to give us a competive edge over the rest of the predators on the African savannah. As it turns out, it's not just useful for making spears, fires, tinned vegetables, etc, but can solve a lot of really tricky problems. There's no real reason to think, though, that it shoudl be able to understand everything, or that there is something particularly special about anything it can't understand.

    The woodpecker's beak evolved to allow it to bore into solid tree trunks. You wouldn't expect it to be able to bore through steel, though, and you wouldn't think there's something amazing about steel just because it is impervious to the eveolutionary advantage that a woodpecker developped. In the same way, there's no reason to think our eveolutionary advantage should be all powerful or that there is something inherently mysterious about something that is too tricky for us to understand.
  16. Agent Bruce

    Agent Bruce Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Sorry guys, this is a FOOTBALL forum and all the religious comments are getting out of hand.

    I'm going to have to close the thread.

    Apologies to everybody that made football comments.
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