The situation at Pompey looks very, very bleak, and it seems the damage is irreversible. This proud club's plight highlights all that is wrong with football. Greed rules today, not success. It's all about getting to the Prem and then staying there AT ALL COSTS, and this is where the problem starts. Yes, Pompey's situation has been caused by bad management, but surely football should have guidelines in place regarding spending. The Premier League and FA get so much money from Sky but use it poorly. Why give Prem clubs so much? It has created a cavernous gap to the Football League and forces club owners to make bad decisions to stay in the honey pot. Pompey tried to stay in the Prem by offering terrible contracts for the club but unbelievable ones for the players. When Pompey went down it seemed a lot of overpaid average players didn't care as they were still collecting £50k a week. It is so wrong. What makes it worse for me is that while Pompey are struggling Man Utd are spending £24m on RVP!! WTF?? Really? Sorry, I don't get it. ManU are hundreds of millions in debt and had to sell shares in NY to raise money to service their debt. How the **** can they be ALLOWED to buy players? Football in England is slowly dying thanks to the unbelievable greed. The England team is not improving, and don't for one second believe England are the third best team in the world, they would struggle against Real Madrid and Barcelona. This is caused by too many English players not playing at the highest level. Just look at the goalkeeping situation. No wonder Hodgson made his stupid comment about Terry! If football had any soul, it would rescue Pompey. How good if every Prem player gave just ten percent if their weekly wage and donated it to Pompey so the club could pay its debts, maybe have a small profit left and then be signed over to the fans' trust. Yes, I know it will never happen, but it's nice to dream.
I am sure thousands share your views on football.......its out of was alweays said nothing would change until a big team went bust......but it would seem that even using RANGERS as proof......its not changing much! The MU scenario is todays **** of how football is so wrong. As a company, MU even with its fan and corporate fan base world wide cannot service that size debt whilst continuing to build on company out side of football can legally trade insolvently. My take on it is simple, at PFC we had mad wages on greedy players driven by a mad chairman. Many blamed harry redknap, but in all he was only the mangaer, identifying players he wanted, it was down to the chairman, financial controllers and owner to make the decisions as to whether they can be afforded.........not the manager! The wider picture is simple, the premier league is a law unto its self, the FA is contradictory and FL has no spine........some where along the way, one day, a sensible person will be put i charge of English football, who wil campaign to stop ludicrous wages, they will impose penalties on clubs who trade in debt and reward those who run effectively with in their means............before the game is ruined completely! BP
I would love to go out spend millions, have a great life for a while & then only pay tuppence in return. We should all do it..
Happy Birthday for 28th.September, Jenny. You can start your spending spree then - treat yourself to a new frock from Primark for starters